신청자 김경희 특이사항
초청자 Gerald Trutnau 초청자 이메일
일자 Aug 30(Fri), 2024 (15:00 ~ 16:00) 강의실 129동 301호
세미나 종류 초청강연
기타 세미나 종류
세미나 제목 Construction of Markov processes by the martingale problem with a special focus on non-local generators: part 2
Abstract The martingale problem is an efficient way to characterise a Markov process by its generator without having to take the diversions via the semigroup. In the first talk, we describe Strook and Varadhan's idea of using the martingale property as a useful tool to construct Markov processes and the advantages that this approach offers. In the second talk, we will apply the technique more specifically to the situation of non-local generators. In particular, the representation of the generators as pseudo-differential operators will play a role.
강연자 Walter Hoh
소속 기관명 Bielefeld University



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