신청자 손범준 특이사항
초청자 강정수 초청자 이메일
일자 Aug 12(Mon), 2024 (10:30 ~ 11:30) 강의실 129동 406호
세미나 종류 사교위상
기타 세미나 종류
세미나 제목 Quantitative Floer theory and coefficients
Abstract I will discuss how much the choice of coefficients impacts the quantitative information of Floer theory, especially spectral invariants. In particular, I will present some phenomena that are specific to integer coefficients, including an answer to a variant of a question posed by Nancy Hingston on closed geodesics. The material is based on a joint work with Egor Shelukhin.
강연자 Yusuke Kawamoto
소속 기관명 ETH Zürich



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