발표자 하승열 
실적년도 2009년 
발표구분 국외 
개최기간 Dec 13, 2009  ~ Dec 18, 2009 
주최국 홍콩 
발표논문명 Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto model 
실적년도 발표구분 발표자 학술회의명 발표논문명 개최기간 개최기간
2012년  국외  하승열  Emergent behavior in multi-particle systems with non-local interactions Asymptotic formation of multi-clusters for the Cucker-Smale and Kuramoto models  Jan 01, 2012  Jan 01, 2012 
2011년  국내  김수정  HU-SNU joint symposium on mathematics Asymptotic behavior in parabolic nonlinear equations and its application to elliptic eigenvalue problems  Nov 16, 2011  Nov 17, 2011 
2011년  국외  김수정  2nd PARC-INS International Workshop on Partial Differential Equations Asymptotic Behavior in Parabolic Nonlinear equations and its application to Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems  Dec 09, 2011  Dec 10, 2011 
2011년  국외  김수정  2nd PIMS-PARC-PRIMA International Workshop on Partial Differential Equations Asymptotic behavior in degenerate parabolic nonlinear equations and its application to elliptic eigenvalue problems  Aug 25, 2011  Aug 27, 2011 
2012년  국외  김판기  Nonlocal Operators: Analysis, Probability, Geometry and Applications An $L_p$-theory of Stochastic PDEs with random fractional Laplacian operator  Jul 09, 2012  Jul 14, 2012 
2013년  국외  강재훈  The Asian Mathematical Conference 2013 A Fatou theorem for nonnegative harmonic functions with respect to subordinate Brownian motions  Jun 30, 2013  Jul 04, 2013 

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