발표자 하승열 
실적년도 2009년 
발표구분 국외 
개최기간 2009-12-13  ~ 2009-12-18 
주최국 홍콩 
발표논문명 Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto model 
실적년도 발표구분 발표자 학술회의명 발표논문명 개최기간 개최기간
2009년  국외  하승열  Nonlinear conservation laws and related problems The complete synchronization estimate for the globally coupled Kuramoto model  2009-10-04  2009-10-09 
2009년  국외  하승열  Workshop "Theory and Numberics of kinetic equations" Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto model  2009-11-16  2009-11-18 
2009년  국외  하승열  The Seventh East Asia conference on PDEs Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto model  2009-12-13  2009-12-18 
2009년  국외  이지훈  Minisymposium between PARC and Academia Sinica Some regularity criteria for the 3D MHD equations  2009-12-28  2009-12-29 
2009년  국외  변순식  Joint Mini-Symposium between Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica and PARC-SNU Elliptic systems with measurable coefficients in Reifenberg domains  2009-12-28  2009-12-29 
2010년  국외  하승열  Workshop on Consensus, Flocking and Synchronization of interaction particle system Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto phase model  2010-02-23  2010-02-24 
2010년  국외  이기암  Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations”: theory, application & numerical computation Theme of the year: Nonlinear Conservation Laws Regularity theory for the nonlocal equations  2010-04-29  2010-05-02 
2010년  국외  이우영  Joint International meeting of CMS and KMS Subnormality of Toeplitz operators on the Hardy spac  2010-05-17  2010-05-22 
2010년  국외  하승열  8th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications Complete synchronization of the particle and kinetic Kuramoto model  2010-05-25  2010-05-28 
2010년  국외  하승열  Emerging Topics in Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations L^2-stability theory of the Bolzmann Equation near a global Maxwellian  2010-05-31  2010-06-04 
2010년  국외  하승열  Stanford Summer workshop on Kinetic theory Mathematics of Flocking  2010-06-23  2010-06-23 
2010년  국외  하승열  5th Pacific Rim Conference on Mathematics Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto oscillators  2010-06-28  2010-07-02 
2010년  국외  이기암  Viscosity Methods an Nonlinear PDE Homogenizations of partial differential equations with oscillating boudary data  2010-07-12  2010-08-13 
2010년  국외  계승혁  13th Workshop on NON-COMMUTATIVE HARMONIC ANALYSIS Facial structures of separable and PPT states  2010-07-12  2010-07-17 
2010년  국외  정성은, 고용일  The 12th KOTAC International Conference 2010 Operator Theory and Its Applications Some properties of analytically hyponormal operators  2010-07-17  2010-07-19 
2010년  국외  이은영  The 12th KOTAC International Conference 2010 Operator Theory and Its Applications Partially normal composition operators via directed trees  2010-07-17  2010-07-19 
2010년  국외  정일봉  The 12th KOTAC International Conference 2010 Operator Theory and Its Applications On rank-one perturbations of diagonal operators  2010-07-17  2010-07-19 
2010년  국외  권현경  The 12th KOTAC International Conference 2010 Operator Theory and Its Applications Similarity of operators in the Bergman space setting  2010-07-17  2010-07-19 
2010년  국외  강동오  The 12th KOTAC International Conference 2010 Operator Theory and Its Applications Hyponormal block Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space  2010-07-17  2010-07-19 
2010년  국외  김판기  Cornell Probability Summer School 2010 Global heat kernel estimates for symmetric jump processes  2010-07-19  2010-07-30 



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