발표자 박선현 
실적년도 2009년 
발표구분 국내 
개최기간 2009-12-16  ~ 2009-12-20 
주최국 한국/미국 
발표논문명 On *-moment sequence of operators 


실적년도 발표구분 발표자 학술회의명 발표논문명 개최기간 개최기간
2010년  국내  최현석  한국수학관련단체 총연합회 연합 학술발표회 Facial structures for separable states  2010-04-24  2010-04-25 
2010년  국내  변순식  한국수학관련단체 총연합회 연합 학술발표회 Lipschitz regularity for parabolic systems  2010-04-24  2010-04-25 
2010년  국내  이호  한국수학관련단체 총연합회 연합 학술발표회 Classical solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system in an accelerating cosmological setting  2010-04-24  2010-04-25 
2010년  국내  강문진  한국수학관련단체 총연합회 연합 학술발표회 On the basic attractions to the Kuramoto system with unidirectionally coupled ring topology  2010-04-24  2010-04-25 
2010년  국내  이은영  한국수학관련단체 총연합회 연합 학술발표회 Partial normality of weighted directed trees  2010-04-24  2010-04-25 
2010년  국내  김혜선  한국수학관련단체 총연합회 연합 학술발표회 Non-existence of holomorphic functions on the six-sphere  2010-04-24  2010-04-25 
2010년  국내  하승열  Coolloquium Mathematics of Flocking and Synchronization  2010-04-09  2010-04-09 
2010년  국내  하승열  Cheonnam Univ PDE workshop Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto phase model  2010-03-18  2010-03-20 
2010년  국외  하승열  Workshop on Consensus, Flocking and Synchronization of interaction particle system Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto phase model  2010-02-23  2010-02-24 
2010년  국내  하승열  Workshop on Consensus, Flocking and Synchronization of interaction particle system Flocking and Synchronization of interaction particle system  2010-02-17  2010-02-19 
2009년  국외  변순식  Joint Mini-Symposium between Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica and PARC-SNU Elliptic systems with measurable coefficients in Reifenberg domains  2009-12-28  2009-12-29 
2009년  국외  이지훈  Minisymposium between PARC and Academia Sinica Some regularity criteria for the 3D MHD equations  2009-12-28  2009-12-29 
2009년  국내  이기암  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Equations: Analysis and Applications  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국내  이우영  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS Hyponromality and subnormality of block Toeplitz operators  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국내  서이혁  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS Carleman-type estimates and unique continuation  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국내  변순식  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS Nonlinear gradient estimates for elliptic and parabolic equations  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국내  김성훈  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS Smooth solution for the porous medium equation in a bounded domain  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국내  이지훈  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS On some regularity criterion for 3D Navier-Stokes equations in terms of the pressure  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국내  박선현  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS On *-moment sequence of operators  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국내  이은영  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS On gaps of operators via rank-one perturbations  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 



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