발표자 김성훈 
실적년도 2009년 
발표구분 국내 
개최기간 2009-12-16  ~ 2009-12-20 
주최국 한국/미국 
발표논문명 Smooth solution for the porous medium equation in a bounded domain 


실적년도 발표구분 발표자 학술회의명 발표논문명 개최기간 개최기간
2010년  국외  하승열  Workshop on Consensus, Flocking and Synchronization of interaction particle system Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto phase model  2010-02-23  2010-02-24 
2010년  국내  하승열  Cheonnam Univ PDE workshop Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto phase model  2010-03-18  2010-03-20 
2010년  국외  하승열  5th Pacific Rim Conference on Mathematics Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto oscillators  2010-06-28  2010-07-02 
2009년  국외  하승열  Workshop "Theory and Numberics of kinetic equations" Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto model  2009-11-16  2009-11-18 
2009년  국외  하승열  The Seventh East Asia conference on PDEs Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto model  2009-12-13  2009-12-18 
2010년  국내  하승열  KAIST PDE Conference Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto model  2010-04-24  2010-05-01 
2012년  국외  하승열  14th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems:Theory, Numerics, Applications Complete synchronization of particle and kinetic Kuramoto models on networks  2012-06-01  2012-06-01 
2012년  국외  하승열  International conference on Applied Mathematics Complete Synchronization of Kuramoto Oscillators on a network  2012-04-01  2012-04-01 
2013년  국외  강문진  PARC-SINICA Joint Workshop Collision operator of the Boltzmann equation  2013-01-09  2013-01-15 
2011년  국내  하승열  Dynamical System in Brain : Mathematical Approach Collective behaviors of complex systems:Flocking and synchronization  2011-06-10  2011-06-11 
2011년  국외  하승열  Mathematical science for biological systems Collective behaviors of complex systems: Flocking and Synchronization  2011-04-14  2011-04-16 
2012년  국외  계승혁  Workshop on Geometry of Quantum Entanglement Classification of bi-qutrit PPT entangled edge stats by their ranks  2012-01-01  2012-01-01 
2010년  국내  이호  한국수학관련단체 총연합회 연합 학술발표회 Classical solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system in an accelerating cosmological setting  2010-04-24  2010-04-25 
2013년  국외  김연하  The Asian Mathematical Conference 2013 Characterizations of binormal composition operators with linear fractional symbols on $H^{2}$  2013-06-30  2013-07-04 
2009년  국내  서이혁  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS Carleman-type estimates and unique continuation  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2010년  국외  서이혁  Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Carleman-type estimates and unique continuation  2010-08-18  2010-08-20 
2011년  국외  류승진  2nd PIMS-PARC-PRIMA International Workshop on Partial Differential Equations Calderon-Zygmund type estimates in Orlicz spaces for higher order elliptic equations  2011-08-25  2011-08-27 
2013년  국내  변순식  Bielefeld-SNU Joint Workshop Calderon-Zygmund theory for elliptic and  2013-10-01  2013-10-03 
2013년  국내  최성훈  Harmonic Analysis Winter Camp 2013 Bounds for a cone-type multiplier operator of negative index in three dimension  2013-01-09  2013-01-11 
2011년  국외  김판기  5th International Conference on Stochastic Analysis and its Applications Behavior of heat kernel for jump process  2011-09-05  2011-09-09 



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