개최년도 2009년 
회의구분 국외 
개최장소 경북대학교 
개최기간 2009-12-12  ~ 2009-12-15 
논문발표자(내국인) 13명 
논문발표자(외국인) 7명 
참가자 60명 
1. 제목 : International Workshop on Combinatorial and Analytical Matrix Theory
2. 일시 : 2009.12. 12(토) ~ 2009.12.15(화)
3. 장소 : 경북대학교 자연과학대학 세미나룸 213호
4. 참석대상 : 국내외 참가자 30명 내외
-센터 참여연구원,연구조원 및 관련 연구원
5. 연사 및 강연프로그램

*Dec 12, Saturday

09:00-12:00 Chair - Prof. Yongdo Lim

09:00-09:30 Registration

09:30-10:10 J.C. Bourin (Université de Franche-Comté, France)

"Matrix subadditivity inequalities and block-matrices"

10:20-11:00 J.C. Bourin (Université de Franche-Comté, France)

"A matrix subadditivity inequality for f(A+B) and f(A)+f(B)"

11:20-12:00 Jimmie D. Lawson (Louisiana State University, USA)

"Control Theory, Riccati Equations, and Contraction Semigroups"

14:00-18:00 Chair - Prof. Younghae Do

14:00-14:40 Jimmie D. Lawson (Louisiana State University, USA)

"Extending means to higher orders"

14:50-15:30 Jimmie D. Lawson (Louisiana State University, USA)

"Metric convexity of symmetric cones"

15:40-16:10 Hunki Baek (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

"Stability for a Holling type IV food chain system"

16:10-16:40 Dongseok Kim (Kyonggi University, Korea)

"Generalized characteristic polynomials of graph bundles"

16:40-17:10 Eunyoung Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

"Variation on a reverse matrix holder inequality"

17:20-18:00 In-Jae Kim (Minnesota State University, USA)

"On determining minimal spectrally arbitrary patterns"

*Dec 14, Monday

09:30-12:00 Chair - Prof. Hunki Beak

09:30-09:50 Hosoo Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

"Higher order weighted geometric means"

09:50-10:10 Sun Hyun Park (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

"Operators that has a *-moment sequence"

10:10-10:30 Eunkyung Ahn (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

"An application of Furuta inequality"

10:50-11:10 Eunkyung Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

"Note on gaps of operaors via rank-one perturbations"

11:10-11:30 Seunghwan Baek (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

"On quaritically hyponormal weighted shifts"

11:30-11:50 Changdo Jung (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

"On a new construction of geometric mean"

14:00-17:40 Chair - Prof. Il Bong Jung

14:00-14:50 Takanori Yamamoto (Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan)

"Three dimensional Q-algebras"

15:00-15:50 Chunji Li (Northeastern University, China)

"A note on truncated complex moment problem"

16:00-16:50 George Exner (Bucknell University, USA)

"Whither n-contractivity and n-hypercontractivity"

17:00-17:40 Sejong Kim (Louisiana State University, USA)

"A converse inequality of weighted arithmetic and geometric means"

*Dec 15, Tuesday

09:00-11:20 Chair - Prof. Yongdo Lim

09:00-09:40 Richard A. Brualdi (University of Wisconsin, USA)

"An extremal sparsity property of the Jordan canonical form"

09:50-10:30 Bryan Shader (University of Wyoming, USA)

"Smith normal form and acyclic matrices"

10:40-11:20 In-Jae Kim (Minnesota State University, USA)

"Sign patterns that allow a nonnegative left inverse"

13:30-16:50 Chair - Prof. Eunyoung Lee

13:30-14:00 Mi Ryeong Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

"Separating classes of composition operators"

14:00-14:30 Younhee Choi (PNTech, Korea)

"The Q-polynomial and vassiliev invariants"

14:30-15:00 Miyoung Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

"On a class of operators related to paranormal operators"

15:20-16:00 Sejong Kim (Louisiana State University, USA)

"An extended Lie-Trotter formula and its applications

16:10-16:50 Sejong Kim (Louisiana State University, USA)

"Sagae-Tanabe weighted means and reverse inequalities"
개최년도 회의구분 학술회의명 개최장소 개최기간 개최기간 참가자
2011년  국외  2011 춘계 작용소론 집중세미나 백암 한화콘도  2011-04-11  2011-04-16  -명 
2011년  국외  PARC 편미분방정식 초청강연 file 서울대학교  2011-03-24  2011-03-25  -명 
2011년  국외  2011 추계 작용소론 집중세미나 백암 한화콘도  2011-09-23  2011-10-05  -명 
2012년  국외  Sixth KMS Probability Workshop 서울대학교 상산수리과학관  2012-06-01  2012-06-01  -명 
2012년  국내  2012 춘계 작용소론 집중세미나 file 백암 한화콘도  2012-03-28  2012-04-03  -명 
2012년  국내  Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Dispersive Equations 전북대학교  2012-08-08  2012-08-10  -명 
2011년  국내  SNU Forum on Interdisciplinary Mathematics file 서울대학교  2011-06-15  2011-06-15  100명 
2009년  국내  PARC 특별 강연회 서울대학교  2009-11-25  2009-11-25  112명 
2009년  국외  Workshop on Kinetic Theory and Fluid Dynamics workshop file 서울대학교  2009-10-22  2009-10-24  120명 
2014년  국외  From Mechanics to Geometry file 서울대학교  2014-05-26  2014-05-29  120명 
2014년  국외  ICM Satellite Conference on Operator Algebras and Applications file 청풍리조트  2014-08-08  2014-08-12  150명 
2010년  국외  PRIMA-PARC-PIMS meeting in Partial Differential Equations file Univ. of British Columbia in Vancouver  2010-12-07  2010-12-08  15명 
2010년  국외  2010 춘계 작용소론 집중세미나 백암 한화콘도  2010-03-26  2010-04-04  20명 
2010년  국내  Intensive lectures on Kinetic theory file 서울대학교  2010-06-11  2010-06-18  20명 
2009년  국외  2009 추계 작용소론 집중세미나 경북 울진군 백암 한화콘도  2009-11-05  2009-11-05  25명 
2009년  국내  PARC 12월 Monthly Seminar file 서울대학교  2009-12-04  2009-12-04  27명 
2009년  국내  편미분방정식 강연회 file 고등과학원  2009-09-25  2009-12-04  30명 
2009년  국내  PARC 10월 Monthly Seminar file 서울대학교  2009-10-30  2009-10-30  30명 
2009년  국내  Minisymposium on "Fluid, Plasma and related topics" file 서울대학교  2009-12-04  2009-12-04  30명 
2010년  국내  PARC 1월 Monthly Seminar file 서울대학교  2010-01-29  2010-01-29  30명 



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