발표자 박혜인 
실적년도 2010년 
발표구분 국외 
개최기간 2010-08-30  ~ 2010-09-03 
주최국 일본 
발표논문명 Gaussian estimates for time inhomogeneous diffusions with singular drifts in C^{1,a} domains 


실적년도 발표구분 발표자 학술회의명 발표논문명 개최기간 개최기간
2010년  국외  하승열  Workshop on kinetic equation and hyperbolic conservation laws Existence and stability of phase-locked states for the Kuramoto model  2010-11-29  2010-12-03 
2010년  국내  하승열  Colloquium Existence and stability of phase-locked states for the Kuramoto model  2010-11-18  2010-11-18 
2010년  국외  하승열  Hot topic workshop on Applied Dynamical Systems Existence and stability of phase-locked states for the Kuramoto model  2010-08-12  2010-11-12 
2010년  국외  이현호  Program of the RIMS International Conference and Hayashibara Forum On Moduli space of a quantum Heisenberg manifold  2010-11-08  2010-11-12 
2010년  국내  이상혁  아주대학교 수학전공 강연회 Convergence Problems in Fourier Analysis  2010-11-12  2010-11-12 
2010년  국외  박진해  2010 Fall Central Section Meeting Existence of solutions to Boundary Value Problems for Smectic Liquid Crystals.  2010-11-05  2010-11-07 
2010년  국내  이기암  Nonlocal Operator and its Application Regularity theory on Nonlocal Fully Nonlinear Integro-Differential Equations  2010-11-06  2010-11-06 
2010년  국내  이지훈  Nonlocal Operator and its Application On the surface quasigeostrophic equation  2010-11-06  2010-11-06 
2010년  국내  김판기  Nonlocal Operator and its Application Perturbation of Dirichlet heat kernel for nonlocal operator  2010-11-06  2010-11-06 
2010년  국외  정일봉  Research and Its Application of Noncommutative Structure in Operator Theory On subnormal and completely hyperexpansive completion problems  2010-10-27  2010-10-29 
2010년  국외  이지훈  Workshop on Conservation Laws, Plasma and Related Fields On the classical solutions to the two dimensional Navier-Stokes-Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equations  2010-10-21  2010-10-23 
2010년  국외  채동호  Workshop on Conservation Laws, Plasma and Related Fields Remarks on the pressure of the incompressible flow and the axisymmetric flows  2010-10-21  2010-10-23 
2010년  국내  김혜선  2010 Global KMS International Conference Partial Intergrability on the Thurston manifolds  2010-10-22  2010-10-23 
2010년  국외  이기암  Conference On Nonlinear PDEs Homogenization with oscillating boundary data  2010-10-05  2010-10-08 
2010년  국외  김판기  International Conference on Stochastic analysis and applications Stability of Dirichlet heat kernel estimates for non-local operators under Feynman-Kac per- turbation  2010-08-30  2010-09-03 
2010년  국외  박혜인  International Conference on Stochastic analysis and applications Gaussian estimates for time inhomogeneous diffusions with singular drifts in C^{1,a} domains  2010-08-30  2010-09-03 
2010년  국외  이상혁  Satellite Conference on Harmonic Analysis(SATEHA_ICM2010) The free and Hermite Schroedinger equations:An equivalence  2010-08-29  2010-09-02 
2010년  국외  하승열  PDE seminar Flocking and Synchronization  2010-08-23  2010-08-23 
2010년  국외  서이혁  Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Carleman-type estimates and unique continuation  2010-08-18  2010-08-20 
2010년  국외  변순식  Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Gradient estimates for parabolic equations with measurable nonlinearity  2010-08-18  2010-08-20 



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