발표자 하승열 
실적년도 2010년 
발표구분 국외 
개최기간 2010-12-16  ~ 2010-12-16 
주최국 이탈리아 
발표논문명 Existence and stability of phase-locked states for the Kuramoto model 


실적년도 발표구분 발표자 학술회의명 발표논문명 개최기간 개최기간
2010년  국외  하승열  Workshop on kinetic equation and hyperbolic conservation laws Existence and stability of phase-locked states for the Kuramoto model  2010-11-29  2010-12-03 
2010년  국외  변순식  2010 CMS winter meeting Hessian estimates for fourth-order elliptic systems with measurable coefficients  2010-12-04  2010-12-06 
2010년  국외  이기암  2010 CMS winter meeting Homogenization of Soft inclusions  2010-12-04  2010-12-06 
2010년  국외  김라미  PRIMA-PARC-PIMS meeting on PDEs Evolution of hypersurfaces under the scalar curvature flow  2010-12-07  2010-12-08 
2010년  국외  이기암  PRIMA-PARC-PIMS meeting on PDEs Regularity theory for Nonlinear Nonlocal equations with non-symmetric kernels  2010-12-07  2010-12-08 
2010년  국외  변순식  PRIMA-PARC-PIMS meeting on PDEs Gradient estimates for nonlinear parabolic systems of p-Laplacian type  2010-12-07  2010-12-08 
2010년  국외  강문진  Hot topic workshop on Applied Dynamical Systems Emergence fo bi-cluster configurations from the ensemble of Kuramoto osciliiators  2010-12-08  2010-12-11 
2010년  국외  하승열  PDE seminar Existence and stability of phase-locked states for the Kuramoto model  2010-12-16  2010-12-16 
2010년  국외  박선형  The 19th Seminar on Function Spaces, 2010 On quadratically hyponormal weighted shifts  2010-12-23  2010-12-25 
2010년  국외  정일봉  The 19th Seminar on Function Spaces, 2010 Weighted shifts on directed trees  2010-12-23  2010-12-25 
2009년  국외  하승열  Nonlinear conservation laws and related problems The complete synchronization estimate for the globally coupled Kuramoto model  2009-10-04  2009-10-09 
2009년  국내  이기암  Conference for elliptic and parabolic PDEs Parabolic Method for Nonlinear Eigen Value Problems  2009-11-05  2009-11-07 
2009년  국내  변순식  Conference for elliptic and parabolic PDEs Gradient Estimates for Elliptic Equations with Measurable Coefficients in Nonsmooth Domains  2009-11-05  2009-11-07 
2009년  국외  하승열  Workshop "Theory and Numberics of kinetic equations" Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto model  2009-11-16  2009-11-18 
2009년  국외  하승열  The Seventh East Asia conference on PDEs Complete synchronization of the Kuramoto model  2009-12-13  2009-12-18 
2009년  국내  정성은  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS Some properties of class A operators  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국내  이은영  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS On gaps of operators via rank-one perturbations  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국내  박선현  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS On *-moment sequence of operators  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국내  이지훈  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS On some regularity criterion for 3D Navier-Stokes equations in terms of the pressure  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국내  김성훈  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS Smooth solution for the porous medium equation in a bounded domain  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 



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