발표자 하승열 
실적년도 2011년 
발표구분 국내 
개최기간 2011-01-14  ~ 2011-01-14 
주최국 한국 
발표논문명 Existence and stability of phase-locked states for the Kuramoto model 


실적년도 발표구분 발표자 학술회의명 발표논문명 개최기간 개최기간
2010년  국외  이은영  The 12th KOTAC International Conference 2010 Operator Theory and Its Applications Partially normal composition operators via directed trees  2010-07-17  2010-07-19 
2011년  국외  이은영  2011 Joint Mathematics Meetings of American Mathematical Society Partially normal composition operators relevant to weighted directed trees  2011-01-06  2011-01-09 
2011년  국외  이은영  Current advances in operator theory Partially normal composition operators on directed trees  2011-12-10  2011-12-10 
2009년  국내  이지훈  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS On some regularity criterion for 3D Navier-Stokes equations in terms of the pressure  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국외  이지훈  Minisymposium between PARC and Academia Sinica Some regularity criteria for the 3D MHD equations  2009-12-28  2009-12-29 
2010년  국외  이지훈  Workshop on Conservation Laws, Plasma and Related Fields On the classical solutions to the two dimensional Navier-Stokes-Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equations  2010-10-21  2010-10-23 
2010년  국내  이지훈  Nonlocal Operator and its Application On the surface quasigeostrophic equation  2010-11-06  2010-11-06 
2011년  국외  이지훈  The 11th International Workshop on Differential Equations Global existence of the weak and smooth solutions to the chemotaxis-fluid equations  2011-05-02  2011-05-03 
2011년  국외  이지훈  SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations Global solutions to the Navier-Stokes-Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equations  2011-11-14  2011-11-17 
2012년  국외  이지훈  The 9th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systmes, Differential Equations and Applications On some coupled system with the Navier-Stokes equations  2012-07-01  2012-07-01 
2013년  국내  이지훈  NIMS international hot topic workshop on the mathematics of material science Regularity of solutions to 3D Hall-MHD equations  2013-05-11  2013-05-11 
2013년  국외  이지훈  2013 NIMS Hot topic workshop on the mathematics of material sciences Regularity of solutions to 3D Hall-MHD equations  2013-11-05  2013-11-07 
2010년  국외  이현호  Program of the RIMS International Conference and Hayashibara Forum On Moduli space of a quantum Heisenberg manifold  2010-11-08  2010-11-12 
2010년  국내  이호  한국수학관련단체 총연합회 연합 학술발표회 Classical solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system in an accelerating cosmological setting  2010-04-24  2010-04-25 
2009년  국내  정성은  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS Some properties of class A operators  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2010년  국내  정성은  한국수학관련단체 총연합회 연합 학술발표회 Some properties of k-quasiclass A operators  2010-04-24  2010-04-25 
2011년  국내  정성은  2011 대한수학회 가을연구발표회 Properties of m-isometric operators  2011-10-21  2011-10-22 
2010년  국외  정성은, 고용일  The 12th KOTAC International Conference 2010 Operator Theory and Its Applications Some properties of analytically hyponormal operators  2010-07-17  2010-07-19 
2010년  국외  정일봉  The 12th KOTAC International Conference 2010 Operator Theory and Its Applications On rank-one perturbations of diagonal operators  2010-07-17  2010-07-19 
2010년  국외  정일봉  Research and Its Application of Noncommutative Structure in Operator Theory On subnormal and completely hyperexpansive completion problems  2010-10-27  2010-10-29 



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