발표자 김판기 
실적년도 2011년 
발표구분 국외 
개최기간 2011-09-18  ~ 2011-09-23 
주최국 캐나다 
발표논문명 Oscillation of unbounded harmonic functions for subordinate Brownian motion and its applications 


실적년도 발표구분 발표자 학술회의명 발표논문명 개최기간 개최기간
2010년  국외  박선형  The 19th Seminar on Function Spaces, 2010 On quadratically hyponormal weighted shifts  2010-12-23  2010-12-25 
2013년  국외  김판기  The Asian Mathematical Conference 2013 On potential theory of subordinate Brownian motion in unbounded sets  2013-06-30  2013-07-04 
2011년  국내  조주희  2011 대한수학회 가을연구발표회 On pointwise convergence of the Schr"odinger equation  2011-10-21  2011-10-22 
2010년  국외  이현호  Program of the RIMS International Conference and Hayashibara Forum On Moduli space of a quantum Heisenberg manifold  2010-11-08  2010-11-12 
2012년  국외  김판기  Extended Kansai Probability seminar On Green function of subordinate Brownian motion  2012-02-10  2012-02-10 
2012년  국외  김판기  The 6th international Conference on Stochastic Analysis and Its Applications On Green function of subordinate brownian motion  2012-09-01  2012-09-01 
2009년  국내  이은영  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS On gaps of operators via rank-one perturbations  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2011년  국내  조주희  HU-SNU joint symposium on mathematics On convergence of the Schrödinger equations  2011-11-16  2011-11-17 
2010년  국내  김연하  한국수학관련단체 총연합회 연합 학술발표회 On 2x2 operator matrices  2010-04-24  2010-04-25 
2009년  국내  박선현  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS On *-moment sequence of operators  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2012년  국외  강동오  KOTAC 2012 Korea operator theory and its applications conference Normal block Toeplitz operators  2012-06-21  2012-06-23 
2012년  국외  강동오  IWOTA 2012 Normal block Toeplitz operators  2012-07-16  2012-07-20 
2011년  국외  변순식  The 8th East Asia PDE conference Nonlinear gradient estimates for elliptic equations  2011-12-19  2011-12-22 
2009년  국내  변순식  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS Nonlinear gradient estimates for elliptic and parabolic equations  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2009년  국내  이기암  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Equations: Analysis and Applications  2009-12-16  2009-12-20 
2010년  국내  김혜선  한국수학관련단체 총연합회 연합 학술발표회 Non-existence of holomorphic functions on the six-sphere  2010-04-24  2010-04-25 
2013년  국외  Zhuchun Li  PARC-SINICA Joint Workshop Multi-particle dynamic systems with leadership  2013-01-09  2013-01-15 
2010년  국내  하승열  Coolloquium Mathematics of Flocking and Synchronization  2010-04-09  2010-04-09 
2010년  국외  하승열  Stanford Summer workshop on Kinetic theory Mathematics of Flocking  2010-06-23  2010-06-23 
2011년  국내  하승열  Sociology seminar Mathematical Modeling of emergent phenomena  2011-01-12  2011-01-12 



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