개최년도 2014년 
회의구분 국외 
개최장소 서울대학교 
개최기간 2014-05-26  ~ 2014-05-29 
논문발표자(내국인) 6명 
논문발표자(외국인) 14명 
참가자 120명 

1. 제목: From Mechanics to Geometry

2. 일시: 2014.05.26(월) ~ 05.29(목)

3. 장소: 서울대학교 상산수리과학관 101호

4. 연사 및 프로그램


    May 26 (Monday)
    08:40 ~ 09:30  Registration / Welcoming address
    09:30 ~ 10:10  Kazuo Aoki (Kyoto University)
                            "Numerical analysis of the Taylor-vortex flow of a slightly rarefied gas"
    10:10 ~ 10:50  Zvi Artstein (Weizmann Institute of Science)
                             "Some applications of Young Measures"
    10:50 ~ 11:10  Break
    11:10 ~ 11:50  John Ball (University of Oxford)
                            "Partial regularity and smooth topology-preserving approximations of rough domains"
    14:00 ~ 14:40  Hyeonbae Kang (Inha University)
                            "Enhancement of near cloaking and neutral inclusion problem"
    14:40 ~ 15:20  Jaeyoung Byeon (KAIST)
                            "One bum standing waves for nonlinear Schrödinger systems"
    15:20 ~ 15:40  Break
    15:40 ~ 16:20  Tong Yang (City University of Hong Kong)
                            "A well-posedness theory of the 3D Prandtl layer equations"
    16:20 ~ 17:00  Marshall Slemrod (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison & Weizmann Institute of Science)
                            "My Mathematical CV and Yours"
    18:00 ~ 20:00  Banquet at Hoam


    May 27 (Tuesday)

    08:40 ~ 09:30  Registration
    09:30 ~ 10:10  Gui-Qiang Chen (University of Oxford)
                            "Weak continuity and compactness for nonlinear partial differential equations"
    10:10 ~ 10:50  Young-Pil Choi (Imperial College London)
                            "On the analysis of a coupled kinetic-fluid model"
    10:50 ~ 11:10  Break
    11:10 ~ 11:50  Ho Lee (Kyung Hee University)
                            "Asymptotic behavior of cosmological solutions of the Einstein-Boltzmann system"
    14:00 ~ 14:40  Jaywan Chung (Dankook University)
                            "Asymptotic behavior of solutions to the viscous Burgers equation with a stationary source"
    14:40 ~ 15:20  Constantine Dafermos (Brown University)
                            "Hyperbolic systems of balance laws with relaxation"

    15:20 ~ 15:40  Break
    15:40 ~ 16:20  Feimin Huang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
                            "Realization in R3 of two types of Riemannian manifolds with negative Gauss curvature"
    16:20 ~ 17:00  Hyungju Hwang (Postech)
                            "The Fokker-Planck Equation on bounded domains"


    May 28 (Wednesday)

    09:30 ~ 10:10  Hailiang Liu (Iowa State University)
                            "Condensate Development in a Model of Photon Scattering"
    10:10 ~ 10:50  Paul Rabinowitz (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
                            "Aubry-Mather type results for a system of elliptic PDEs"
    10:50 ~ 11:10  Break
    11:10 ~ 11:50  Walter Strauss (Brown University)
                            "Traveling Water Waves"
    11:50 ~ 12:30  Shih-Hsien Yu (National University of Singapore)
                            "Duality in Boltzmann Equation and its Applications"
    14:00 ~ 17:00  Free Discussion
    18:00 ~ 20:00  Diner at Hoam

    May 29 (Thursday)
    09:30 ~ 10:10  Athanasios Tzavaras (University of Crete)
                            "The problem of cavitation in nonlinear elasticity"
    10:10 ~ 10:50  Dehua Wang (University of Pittsburgh)
                            "Global solutions and incompressible limits for magnetohydrodynamics"



개최년도 회의구분 학술회의명 개최장소 개최기간 개최기간 참가자
2009년  국내  편미분방정식 강연회 file 고등과학원  2009-09-25  2009-12-04  30명 
2009년  국외  Workshop on Kinetic Theory and Fluid Dynamics workshop file 서울대학교  2009-10-22  2009-10-24  120명 
2009년  국내  PARC 10월 Monthly Seminar file 서울대학교  2009-10-30  2009-10-30  30명 
2009년  국외  2009 추계 작용소론 집중세미나 경북 울진군 백암 한화콘도  2009-11-05  2009-11-05  25명 
2009년  국내  PARC 특별 강연회 서울대학교  2009-11-25  2009-11-25  112명 
2009년  국내  PARC 12월 Monthly Seminar file 서울대학교  2009-12-04  2009-12-04  27명 
2009년  국외  2009 Joint Meeting of KMS and AMS-special session:Operator Theory and Operator Algebras file 이화여자대학교  2009-12-16  2009-12-20  40명 
2009년  국내  PARC 집중강연 file 서울대학교  2009-11-16  2009-11-30  45명 
2009년  국내  Minisymposium on "Fluid, Plasma and related topics" file 서울대학교  2009-12-04  2009-12-04  30명 
2009년  국외  2009 PARC 작용소이론과 작용소대수 겨울학교 file 경북 성주군 가야산관광호텔  2009-12-20  2009-12-23  60명 
2009년  국외  Minisymposium between PARC-SNU and Institute of Mathematics(Academia Sinica) file 국립 대만대학교  2009-12-28  2009-12-29  35명 
2009년  국외  International Workshop on Combinatorial and Analytical Matrix Theory file 경북대학교  2009-12-12  2009-12-15  60명 
2010년  국내  PARC 1월 Monthly Seminar file 서울대학교  2010-01-29  2010-01-29  30명 
2010년  국내  PARC 2월 Monthly Seminar file 서울대학교  2010-02-26  2010-02-26  30명 
2010년  국내  PARC 3월 Monthly Seminar file 서울대학교  2010-03-26  2010-03-26  30명 
2010년  국내  PARC 5월 Monthly Seminar file 서울대학교  2010-05-26  2010-05-26  30명 
2010년  국내  PARC 6월 Monthly Seminar file 서울대학교  2010-06-25  2010-06-25  30명 
2010년  국내  School & Workshop on Consensus Flocking and Synchronization of interacting systems file 서울대학교  2010-02-17  2010-02-24  80명 
2010년  국내  Special Lecture Series file 서울대학교  2010-02-26  2010-02-27  30명 
2010년  국내  PARC 8월 Monthly Seminar file 서울대학교  2010-08-27  2010-08-27  30명 



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