실적년도 2014년 
논문구분 국외 
총저자 Dongho Chae 
학술지명 Advances in Mathematics 
권(Vol.) 254 
게재년월 2014년 3월 
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Let (v,p) be a smooth solution pair of the velocity and the pressure for the Navier-Stokes (Euler) equations on RN × (0,T), N ≥ 3. We set the Bernoulli function Q=1/2|v|2+p. Under suitable decay conditions at infinity for (v,p) we prove that for almost all α(t) and β(t) defined on (0, T) there holds, where ω=curlv is the vorticity. This shows that, in each region squeezed between two levels of the Bernoulli function, besides the energy dissipation due to the enstrophy, the energy flows into the region through the level hypersurface having the higher level, and the energy flows out of the region through the level hypersurface with the lower level. Passing α(t)↓infx∈RNQ(x,t) and β(t)↑supx∈RNQ(x,t), we recover the well-known energy equality, 1/2 d/dt ∫RN|v|2=-ν∫RN|ω|2dx. A weaker version of the above equality under the weaker decay assumption of the solution at spatial infinity is also derived. The stationary version of the equality implies the previous Liouville type results on the Navier-Stokes equations.
실적년도 총저자 제목 학술지명
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2015  Sun-Sig Byun,Dian K. Palagachev, Pilsoo Shin  Global continuity of solutions to quasilinear equations with Morrey data C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.I 



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