실적년도 2015년 
논문구분 국외 
총저자 Yonggeun Cho, Gyeongha Hwang, Soonsik Kwon, Sanghyuk Lee 
학술지명 Proceeding of Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A 
권(Vol.) 145A 
호(No.) 467-479 
게재년월 2014년 3월 
Impact Factor 0.777(jcr2013) 

•실적년도 : 2014
•논문구분 : 국외
•총 저자 : Yonggeun Cho, Gyeongha Hwang, Soonsik Kwon, Sanghyuk Lee
•학술지명 : Proceeding of Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A
•게재년월 : 2014년 3월
•IF : 1.245(jcr2013)
•SCI 등재 : SCI
•국제공동연구 논문여부 : X
•기여도 : 100%
We consider the fractional Schr¨odinger equations with focusing Hartree type nonlinearities. When the energy is negative, we show that the solution blows up in a finite time. For this purpose, based on Glassey’s argument, we obtain a virial type inequality.


Yonggeun Cho, Gyeongha Hwang, Soonsik Kwon, Sanghyuk Lee.pdf

실적년도 총저자 제목 학술지명
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