실적년도 발표구분 발표자 학술회의명 발표논문명 개최기간 개최기간
2012년  국외  이기암  Frontiers of Mathematics and Applications III - 2012 Regularity theory and asymptotic behaviors in integro-differential operators  2012-08-01  2012-08-01 
2012년  국외  강동오  IWOTA 2012 Normal block Toeplitz operators  2012-07-16  2012-07-20 
2012년  국외  정일봉  IWOTA 2012 On the structure of weighted shifts on directed trees  2012-07-16  2012-07-20 
2012년  국외  이우영  IWOTA 2012 Subnormality of block Toeplitz operators  2012-07-16  2012-07-20 
2012년  국외  하승열  Workshop on Kinetic Theory and Gas Dynamics Workshop on Kinetic Theory and Gas Dynamics  2012-07-09  2012-07-28 
2012년  국외  김판기  Nonlocal Operators: Analysis, Probability, Geometry and Applications An $L_p$-theory of Stochastic PDEs with random fractional Laplacian operator  2012-07-09  2012-07-14 
2012년  국외  이지훈  The 9th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systmes, Differential Equations and Applications On some coupled system with the Navier-Stokes equations  2012-07-01  2012-07-01 
2012년  국외  계승혁  The 7th Jikji Workshop on infinite dimensional analysisi and quantum probability Facial structures for separable states and PPT states  2012-07-01  2012-07-01 
2012년  국외  강동오  KOTAC 2012 Korea operator theory and its applications conference Normal block Toeplitz operators  2012-06-21  2012-06-23 
2012년  국외  정일봉  KOTAC 2012 Korea operator theory and its applications conference Unbounded subnormal weighted shifts on directed trees  2012-06-21  2012-06-23 
2012년  국외  최영필  HYP2012 Time-asymptotic interaction of flocking particles and an incompressible viscous fluid  2012-06-01  2012-06-01 
2012년  국외  박선현  2012 NIMS Hot Topics Workshop on Positive Matrices and Operators: Recent Developments and Advances Quadratically Hyponormal Weighted Shifts with RecursiveTail  2012-06-01  2012-06-01 
2012년  국외  진주영  2012 NIMS Hot Topics Workshop on Positive Matrices and Operators: Recent Developments and Advances Flatness of Weighted Shift  2012-06-01  2012-06-01 
2012년  국외  채동호  POSTECH Summer Workshop on PDEs On the blow-up problem for the Euler equations and the Liouville type results in the fluid equations  2012-06-01  2012-06-01 
2012년  국외  변순식  POSTECH Summer Workshop on PDEs Regularity estimates for elliptic and parabolic problems  2012-06-01  2012-06-01 
2012년  국외  계승혁  Operator spaces, quantum probability and application On the optimality of entanglement witnesses  2012-06-01  2012-06-01 
2012년  국외  이상혁  9th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations On the cone multiplier in R^3  2012-06-01  2012-06-01 
2012년  국외  이기암  2012 Workshop on Geometric Partial Differential Equations Regularity theory and Asymptotic Behaviors in Integro-differential operators  2012-06-01  2012-06-01 
2012년  국외  계승혁  2012 NIMS Hot Topics Workshop on Positive Matrices and Operators: Recent Developments and Advances Positive Linear maps and entanglement witnesses  2012-06-01  2012-06-01 
2012년  국외  하승열  14th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems:Theory, Numerics, Applications Complete synchronization of particle and kinetic Kuramoto models on networks  2012-06-01  2012-06-01 



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