신청자 이헌(2016-20245) 특이사항
초청자 이훈희 초청자 이메일 hunheelee@snu.ac.kr
일자 Apr 14(Wed), 2021 (16:00 ~ 18:00) 강의실 129동 406호
세미나 종류 작용소
기타 세미나 종류
세미나 제목 Boundary and rigidity of nonsingular Bernoulli actions
Abstract For a given countable discrete group, consider a nonsingular (i.e. non measure preserving) Bernoulli shift action with two base points. We prove that, under some assumptions on the group and associated measures, the Bernoulli action is solid. This generalizes solidity in the measure preserving case by Ozawa and Chifan--Ioana, and is the first rigidity result in the non measure preserving case. This is joint work with K. Hasegawa and T. Kanda.
강연자 Yusuke Isono
소속 기관명 Kyoto University



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