신청자 김수현 특이사항
초청자 김판기 초청자 이메일
일자 May 30(Mon), 2022 (16:00 ~ 18:00) 강의실 129동 406호
세미나 종류 확률론
기타 세미나 종류
세미나 제목 Fluctuation results for size of the vacant set for random walks on discrete torus
Abstract We consider a random walk on the $dge 3$ dimensional discrete torus starting from vertices chosen independently and uniformly at random. In this talk, we discuss the fluctuation behavior of the size of the range of the random walk trajectories at a time proportional to the size of the torus. The proof relies on a refined analysis of tail estimates for hitting time. We also discuss related results and open problems. This is based on joint work with Partha Dey.
강연자 김대성
소속 기관명 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



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