신청자 김태형 특이사항
초청자 임선희 초청자 이메일 slim@snu.ac.kr
일자 Aug 09(Tue), 2022 (11:00 ~ 12:00) 강의실 27동 325호
세미나 종류 동역학
기타 세미나 종류
세미나 제목 Dynamics of self-joinings of hyperbolic manifolds: 1
Abstract Abstract: Anosov representations can be regarded as a higher-rank version of convex cocompact Kleinian groups. From this point of view, this series of two talks introduces the notion of self-joinings of hyperbolic manifolds, and the dynamics they possess. Mainly, we discuss how the classical result of Sullivan, relating critical exponent and Hausdorff dimension at infinity, is formulated in these higher-rank circumstances. This is joint work with Yair Minsky and Hee Oh.

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946 805 8300
강연자 Dongryul Kim
소속 기관명 Yale University



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