신청자 김수현 특이사항
초청자 초청자 이메일
일자 May 31(Wed), 2023 (17:00 ~ 18:00) 강의실 기타1
세미나 종류 박사학위 논문 심사
기타 세미나 종류
세미나 제목 Homological Mirror Symmetry and Geometry of Degenerate Cusp Singularities
Abstract ※ 장소: Place: 28-101

2023/05/24(Wed) 17:00
Under the framework of homological mirror symmetry
"Pair-of-pants surface (A-side) <-> Degenerate cusp singularity xyz=0 (B-side)"
we establish a correspondence between Lagrangians on the A-side and Cohen-Macaulay modules on the B-side. This is based on joint works with Cheol-Hyun Cho, Wonbo Jeong, and Kyoungmo Kim.

2023/05/31(Wed) 17:00
We develop a new concept of degenerate vector bundles to provide a geometric construction of Cohen-Macaulay modules over degenerate cusp singularities.

Please feel free to attend if you are interested.
강연자 노경민
소속 기관명 서울대학교



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