2023-11-22  15:30-17:30  Blow up dynamics of nonlinear dispersive equations 권순식  27-325 
2023-11-21  16:00-17:00  The modified scattering for Dirac equations of scattering-critical nonlinearity 양창훈  27-116 
2023-11-21  17:00-18:00  Local smoothing estimates for the wave equation in higher dimensions 이정진  27-116 
2023-11-20  16:00-17:00  Deep function approximation for financial mathematics 허정규  선택 
2023-11-14  17:00-18:00  Universality in random matrix theory 서성미  129-301 
2023-11-14  15:00-16:00  Extreme value theorem of continued fractions and geodesic flows 이슬비  129-104 
2023-11-14  14:30-15:30  Refinements of Strichartz inequalities via decoupling and applications to nonlinear equations Robert Schippa  27-116 
2023-11-14  11:00-12:00  Primitive lattice points, primitive Siegel transform, and its integral formulas on S-arithmetic spaces 한지영  129-301 
2023-11-09  16:40-17:10  On wellposedness of $\alpha$-SQG equations 김준하  129-101 
2023-11-09  16:00-16:30  Some special solutions of incompressible Euler equations 임덕우  129-101 
2023-11-08  14:00-16:00  Predicting Agricultural Commodity Prices Using Deep Learning Networks with Multiple Time Series Data 민영호  선택 
2023-11-07  15:00-16:30  Volume bounds for hyperbolic 3-polyhedra and knots Andrei Vesnin  129-309 
2023-11-07  16:00-17:00  Non-existence of radial eigenfunctions for perturbations of the Heisenberg sublaplacian Luz Roncal  27-116 
2023-11-07  17:00-18:00  L^2 Fourier restriction for α-Salem measure 이성철  27-116 
2023-10-31  16:00-18:00  Restriction estimates for quadratic manifolds of arbitrary codimensions 오세욱  27-116 
2023-10-25  17:00-18:30  Best constants in the vector-valued Littlewood-Paley-Stein theory Zhendong Xu  129-301 
2023-10-24  14:00-15:00  A Data-Scientific Approach to Representation Theory: Case Study of Kronecker Coefficients 이규환  27-220 
2023-10-24  11:00-12:00  Linear bounds on rho-invariants and simplicial complexity of manifolds Geunho Lim  27-116 
2023-10-24  15:30-17:30  Non-escape of mass for divergent orbits and its applications to continued fractions of rationals 김태형  129-301 
2023-10-20  14:00-16:00  Graph data analysis based on quantum probability theory 최하영  선택