2021-12-10  16:00-18:00  Separable states and quantum data hiding scheme 김정산  선택 
2022-03-16  16:00-18:00  Pointwise convergence of noncommutative Fourier series Xumin Wang  선택 
2022-03-30  16:00-18:00  Maximal estimates for averages over space curves 이상혁  129-406 
2022-04-13  16:00-18:00  L_p-L_q Fourier multipliers on locally compact quantum groups Haonan Zhang  선택 
2022-04-15  16:00-18:00  A note on non-ordinary primes for some genus-zero arithmetic groups Seokho Jin  27-325 
2022-05-06  16:00-18:00  On an upper bound of the average analytic rank of a family of elliptic curves Keunyoung Jeong  27-325 
2022-05-18  16:00-18:00  Optimal transport theory in free probability 남경식  선택 
2022-05-13  16:00-18:00  A singular function containing all Lagrange numbers less than three DoYong Kwon  27-325 
2022-05-25  16:00-18:00  Simplicity and the ideal intersection property for essential groupoid C*-algebras Sven Raum  선택 
2022-06-03  16:00-18:00  The Coleman conjecture on circular distributions and the equivariant Tamagawa Number conjecture 서수길  27-325 
2022-06-13  16:00-18:00  온라인 루브릭 시스템(Gradescope) 활용 후기와 발전 방향에 대한 소고 정기룡  129-406 
2022-07-14  16:00-18:00  Renormalization of Dynamical Systems Jonguk Yang  27-317 
2022-07-08  16:00-18:00  Lifting problem for universal quadratic forms II 김대준  27-325 
2022-08-02  16:00-18:00  Nikodym sets for spheres and related maximal functions 김종천  27-220 
2022-08-16  16:00-18:00  Tits Alternative for groups acting properly on 2-dimensional CAT(0) complexes Damian Osajda  129-310 
2022-08-30  16:00-18:00  Nonlinear parabolic equation in Orlicz-Musielak spaces - existence theory Miroslav Bulicek  선택 
2022-09-28  16:00-18:00  A universal framework for entanglement detection of invariant quantum states 박상준  선택 
2022-10-05  16:00-18:00  A universal framework for entanglement detection of invariant quantum states 박상준  선택 
2022-10-12  16:00-18:00  Haagerup inequalities on non-Kac free orthogonal quantum groups 윤상균  129-406 
2022-11-01  16:00-18:00  A stationary set method for estimating oscillators integrals 오세욱  27-116