2016-01-22  17:00-18:00  The pricing of diverse options using integral transforms 윤지훈  27-116 
2016-02-12  14:00-15:00  Multi-resolution Analysis of a Covariance Matrix for Graphical Model Selection Won Hwa Kim  27-116 
2016-04-05  16:00-17:30  Lecture 1. Statement of the problem. Results and counterexamples from the eighties. Ana Vargas  27-116 
2016-04-07  16:00-17:30  Lecture 2. Bilinear and multilinear methods I. Ana Vargas  27-116 
2016-04-12  16:00-17:30  Lecture 3. Bilinear and multilinear methods II. New counterexamples. Ana Vargas  27-116 
2016-05-02  16:00-17:00  Absolute continuity and relative entropy for probability measures induced by a certain Girsanov transform Daehong Kim  27-116 
2016-05-02  17:00-18:00  Stability of heat kernel estimates under Feynman-Kac perturbations for symmetric Markov processes Kazuhiro Kuwae  27-116 
2016-05-10  16:00-18:00  AVERAGING OPERATORS ALONG HOLOMORPHIC CURVES file 양찬우  27-116 
2016-05-17  16:00-18:00  Oscillatory Integrals over Global Domains file 김준일  27-116 
2016-05-20  11:00-12:00  Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem and Detailed Balance in Langevin Systems 이현근  27-116 
2016-05-24  16:00-18:00  Decay estimates for Fourier transform of measures on fractal sets 함세헌  27-116 
2016-05-31  16:00-18:00  Unique continuation for the Schrodinger equation with gradient terms 서이혁  27-116 
2016-09-30  10:00-11:30  Some algebraic aspects of overdetermined PDE systems 한종규  27-116 
2016-10-07  10:00-11:30  Some algebraic aspects of overdetermined PDE systems 한종규  27-116 
2016-10-04  16:00-18:00  Small data scattering for fractional Hartree equations 조용근  27-116 
2016-10-11  16:00-18:00  Quasi-neutral limit for the Euler-Poisson system 권봉석  27-116 
2016-10-19  17:30-18:30  Estimates for the kinetic transport equation in hyperbolic Sobolev spaces Neal Bez  27-116 
2016-11-04  10:00-11:30  Some algebraic aspects of overdetermined PDE systems III 한종규  27-116 
2016-11-01  16:00-18:00  An extremizer for the kinetic energy inequality 홍영훈  27-116 
2016-11-16  16:00-17:30  Flexibility of projective representations 김상현  27-116