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Jung Hee Cheon (천정희)

Professor, Department of Mathematics in Seoul National University 
Director of Cryptographic Hard Problem Research Initiatives


Biography: Jung Hee Cheon is a professor of mathematics, the director of Industrial and Mathematical Data Analytics Research Center (IMDARC) in Seoul National University and a CEO of a startup company CryptoLab. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mathematics from KAIST in 1991, and 1997, respectively. Before joining SNU, he worked for ETRI (senior researcher), Brown University (visiting scientist) and ICU (assistant professor). He has been working on computational number theory, cryptology, and information security. In those areas, he published 200+ journal and conference papers including 20+ Crypto/Eurocrypt/Asiacrypt, which are the most prestigious conferences for Cryptology. His citations in scholar.google is 11,000+ with h-index 46. He is one of the co-inventors of braid cryptography and (independently) Xedni calculus on elliptic curve discrete logarithms. His works on improved Pollard rho algorithm and an efficient algorithm on strong DH problem drew much attention, the former of which won the best paper award in Asiacrypt 2008. He received the best paper award in Eurocrypt 2015 for this joint work on cryptanalysis of multilinear maps. As one of co-inventors of approximate homomorphic encryption HEaaN, he is actively working on homomorphic encryptions and their applications such as machine learning on encrypted data and Private AI.

He is an associate editor of “Design, Codes and Cryptography”,“Journal of Communica- tion Network” and “Journal of Cryptology” that is the fagship journal of International Association of Cryptologic Research (IACR). He co-chaired ANTS-XI, Asiacrypt 2015/2016, MathCrypt 2018/2019/2021, and PQCrypto 2021/2022 and served as program committee for major crypto conferences. He was selected as Scientist of the month by Korean government in 2018 and won the POSCO science prize in 2019 and the PKC Test-of-Time award in 2021. He received Korean Order of Service Merit (Green Stripes, 2022) and is a member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology. He is appointed as a fellow of IACR in 2023.


Research Interests

Fully Homomorphic Encryption; Lattice-based Cryptography; Lattice Reduction Algorithm; Integer Factorization & Discrete Logarithm;


What's new

- HERMES: Efficient Ring Packing using MLWE Ciphertexts and Application to Transciphering, with Youngjin Bae, Jaehyung Kim, Jai Hyun Park, and Damien Stehlé, CRYPTO 2023

- META-BTS: Bootstrapping Precision Beyond the Limit, with Youngjin Bae, Wonhee Cho, Jaehyung Kim, and Taekyung Kim, ACM CCS 2022

- Efficient Homomorphic Evaluation on Large Intervals, with Wootae Kim, and Jai Hyun Park, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2022

- Privacy-Preserving Text Classification on BERT Embeddings with Homomorphic Encryption, with Garam Lee, Minsoo Kim, Jai Hyun Park, and Seung-won Hwang, NAACL 2022


연구실 지원 안내

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- 매년 봄학기 학부생 연구실 인턴을 모집합니다. 자세한 사항은 Intern 탭을 참고해 주세요.