Dynamical systems : examples, billiards ; and the 3-body problem


Ana Rechtman, Felix Schlenk, Otto van Koert, Seonhee Lim and Urs Frauenfelder



The goal of this school is to introduce the students to basic questions and methods in dynamical systems through concrete examples. Our basic questions are: Existence of cloded orbits, integrability (ie, complete solvability), and stability. And the methods are: geometrization and variational principles. We shall do this by illustrating these questions and methods by elementary and archetypical examples of dynamical systems: Billiards, geodesic and magnetic flows, and the 3-body problem. Another goal is to show that these basic examples and the question we ask are by no means dry mathematical abstractions, but have their origin in concrete problems such as mechanics, geometrical optics, and celestial mechanics.

Prerequisits: We expect that students have had courses in real analysis of several variables, know what an ordinary differential equation is, and have followed a course on curves and surfaces. More knowledge is useful, but not necessary to follow the lectures.


Registration : if you are Korean, please send an e-mail to okoert to okoert@snu.ac.kr, or slim@snu.ac.kr with your name, home institution and a short letter of motivation. If you are a non-Korean, please visit the CIMPA website. 


Please visit  http://members.unine.ch/felix.schlenk/Daejeon/program.html  for more information.
