이력 및 경력
  저서, 역서 및 편저
  학술지 발표논문
  응용대수 및 암호론 연구팀
  석·박사 배출현황
  글 모음
  2014년 서울대학교 총장 후보
  2103년 대한수학회장
서울대학교 총장 후보 김명환입니다.
   Vision and Plan   

Myung-Hwan KIM

• Date and place of birth: September 5th, 1954 in Pusan, Korea
• Tel: +82-2-880-6551 / Fax: +82-2-887-4694 / Cell: +82-10-3664-8694
• E-mail: mhkimath@snu.ac.kr

• 1973 - 1977: B. Sc. in Mathematics, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Korea
• 1979 - 1980: Graduate School in Mathematics, Seoul National Univ.
• 1980 - 1985: M. Sc. (1982) and Ph. D. (1985) in Mathematics, Ohio State Univ., USA

• 1977 - 1979: Korean Army (military obligation)
• 1986 - 1989: Assist. Prof., Department of Mathematics, KIT, Taejon, Korea Director for Academic Affairs, KIT
• 1989 - present: Assist., Assoc. and Full Professor (1998 - present), Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul
    National Univ.
• 1994 - 1995: Visiting Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Mathematics, Ohio State Univ.
• 2005 - 2006: Van Vleck Visiting Prof. of Mathematics, Wesleyan Univ.
• 1998, 2003, 2005: Leader of Korean Delegation at IMO
• 1996 - 2000: Secretary, The 41st International Mathematics Olympiad
• 2004 - 2009: Chair of APMO (Asia-Pacific Math. Olympiads)
• 2006 - 2010: Elected member of IMO Advisory Board
• 1995 - 1997: Assoc. Dean for Student Affairs, College of Natural Sciences
• 2006 - 2008: Assoc. Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Natural Sciences
• 2008 - 2010: Dean for Academic Affairs, Seoul National University
• 2010 - 2014: Dean, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University President: National Committee of
    Deans in Natural Sciences
• 2013 - present: President of the Korean Mathematical Society President: National Committee of Academic
    Societies in Basic Sciences (2014)

• 2001: Commendation of Prime Minister of Korea
• 2003: Chung Jin-Ki Prize (Science and Technology)
• 2009: Academic Award of Korean Mathematics Society
• 2012: Commendation of Minister of Education


Firm Foundation for Vibrant Academics Leadership of Communication and Achievement

It is a great honor to present my vision as a candidate for the next president of Seoul National University. Our university is consistently included on the list of the world’s 50 best institutions of higher learning, thanks to our excellent faculty, students, staff, and alumni. We know that there are, however, many things we still lack to be truly one of the world’s best universities. Current development plans have proven to be effective so far, but new plans are needed for us to reach our goal. In analogy, we have focused on increasing the crop yield and not paid attention to fertilizing the soil. Professors have been busy meeting the research requirement for promotion and generating research grants. Students have been busy with elevating grades and building specs for employment. Our administration is not free from the control of the government even after the incorporation. There is a tremendous gap in education and research infrastructure between SNU and world leading universities.

Leaps and bounds from now on are nearly impossible without changing our foundation. We have to think about what the ‘fundamentals’ should be to become a world-class university. SNU can be a place of creativeness, freedom, and criticism only if the fundamentals are properly placed. If we want to become a research community with freedom and liveliness, we have to change the soil of our research; infrastructures of education and research, administrative framework, and work environment should be improved.

I have served SNU as the Dean of Academic Affairs, Seoul National University, Dean of College of Natural Sciences, and the President of National Committee of the Deans of Colleges of Natural Sciences since 2010. As the Dean of College of Natural Sciences, I led and accomplish the project of building the Research Laboratory Complex for Basic Science Education for our students. As the president of the committee, I played a leadership role in initiating the BK21 Plus program, through which about 20,000 graduate students received financial support from the government to pursue their academic goals. All these accomplishments stemmed from my belief that firm fundamentals are crucial for our university to become a world leading academic institution.

My administrative experiences have equipped me with a deeper understanding of various university affairs, and the type of vision that is necessary for the leadership of Seoul National University. I learned the virtue of humility and honesty, and the importance of communication and execution with all members involved. I believe all these experiences will be a great asset for me as the next president of Seoul National University. It has been my dream to lead SNU to become a strong, free, and lively place for research and education—an innovative university where world-class talents discover new knowledge and foster new cultural advancements for humanity. I believe the entire SNU community shares this dream. If I become the next president, I will make SNU an academic institution of freedom and liveliness built on a firm foundation of fundamentals through the leadership of communication and execution. I will make every effort to make SNU a respected university in the world. I humbly ask for your support in making this dream a reality.


Academic Institution of Freedom and Liveliness on a Firm Foundation

My dream is to make SNU a place of strong, free, and lively research, discovering and expanding knowledge, theories, techniques, and cultures for the mankind. I envision of our young generations nurtured at SNU to become leaders in various aspects of life. I have three specific goals to accomplish my vision.

Incorporation was intended to purse the major goals of SNU in an effective manner. During the first phase of incorporation, we had a moderate success, such as the amendment of legal and systematic problems, expansion of governmental endowment, and remittance of total endowment.
For the next 4 years, I will refine the regulations and procedures according to the spirit of incorporation, secure independence and autonomy, and increase the budget. I will, however, not accept donations that will hinder the independence and integrity of our academic community. I will do my best to make SNU a role model as an eminent academic institution and in leading the future of our society by firmly establishing the spirit of incorporation.

I will make the university administration more efficient and increase the autonomy of individual colleges. I will expand the human resource and financial support of each college. I will also improve systems and regulations such that the freedom of departments, faculty, staff and students is enhanced. I will support and encourage the members of our community to engage actively in new challenges and creative ventures based on this freedom. I will make SNU a place of joy and innovation.

I will make SNU a pride of Korea by elevating dramatically the quality of education and research so that our younger generations can effectively lead the world in various fields. We should be recognized as the world leading university by substantial contributions to the wellbeing of the mankind not just by rankings. In particular, I will support long-term research with a focus on fundamental questions and important issues present and future. Many will love SNU if we raise global talents with high integrity and responsibility so that they actively fulfill rightful duty for the community and promote the welfare of humanity.


Ten Promises

I give you ten specific promises to accomplish the three goals addressed above. Each item will be briefly explained below:

1. Increased Autonomy and Effectiveness of the Administration
I will produce specific and realizable plans to acquire independence and autonomy from the government and the society, for which I will elicit unified effort from major universities. I will promote independence of each college, department and their constituents, for which human resource and financial support will be increased. I will implement simplified and efficient administrative procedures.

2. Transparency of Decision Making and Routine Communication
In order to make important decisions more transparent and prudent, a new protocol will be set up to collect opinions and publicize them. Important discussions should start at the department level. I will strengthen the roles of various university committees as decision-making units. I will increase the number of female officers to boost their participations and roles in making decisions. I as well as other administrative officers shall meet our members regularly and casually upon their requests. We will listen to the voices of diverse groups in the university.

3. Strengthening the Undergraduate and Graduate Education Systems
I will convince the government not to reduce the size of our undergraduate body by providing appropriate rationale. Undergraduate teaching will be strengthened with an emphasis on the basic liberal education and the multi-faceted thinking so that our younger generations can effectively face the demands of the society, nation, and the world. At the same time, our major courses will be upgraded and intensified by encouraging creative methodology of teaching. Each college will be allowed to determine its own graduation requirements according to the academic principles of the college. To hoist the quality, teaching load will be reduced, incentive for good teaching will be introduced, and teaching evaluation will be fairly reflected in the evaluation process.

4. Improvement of Research Support and Faculty Evaluation System
Each department/college will be allowed to evaluate professors according to their own principles. In addition to research excellence, various items including teaching and service may be included to make a balanced evaluation. Evaluation should emphasize quality rather than quantity of research. I will do my best to encourage and support every effort to produce new knowledge, theory, technology, and culture originated in SNU. In particular, long-term supports will be given to research projects focusing on fundamental questions and important issues for the humanity. The research management system will be amended and expanded so that researchers benefit from hosting research grants. Flexible intramural research support system will be introduced together with small research grants comparable to indirect costs. Organization of various forums will be encouraged and supported so that professors discuss important issues domestic and foreign and develop interdisciplinary and creative subjects of research.

5. Active Practice of Responsibility for the Society
SNU should actively pursue ways to contribute to the society. Assembling diverse research group on important national themes and issues will be encouraged and supported. Various extracurricular activities will be supported.

6. Building New Infrastructure for Profitable Globalization
A profitable globalization will be pursued instead of futile effort to raise the ranking of the university. I will widen opportunities for overseas training and internship for undergraduate and graduate students. I will also build necessary infrastructure for international faculty and students including English forms, counseling center, and staff proficient in English. Korean language classes will be made more accessible to international faculty and students. I will provide short overseas training opportunities for staff.

7. Enhancement of Employee Benefit and Welfare
Salary of faculty and staff will be raised by amending the SNU salary scale and regulations in the next 4 years. In addition, the current welfare system should be improved significantly to provide better benefit and welfare for SNU employees. A new apartment complex is also planned for faculty and staff. Finally, I will implement a stepwise deferment of retirement until the age of 70.

8. Dormitory Expansion and Improvement of Students’ Welfare
New dormitory buildings will be built on and off campus. Generous scholarship should be made available for our next generations so that they can focus on academics. I will try to provide more effective and helpful counseling for students, encourage and support students’ activities, and improve and expand students’ facility.

9. Harmonious Development of Campus and Its Culture
Reckless campus development will be stopped so that we have enjoyable and comfortable working environment. I will complete and carry out the campus master plan in a speedy way including an underground cultural court with cafeteria, bookstore, and heath center, theatre, and parking space. Both SNU members and outsiders will be able to enjoy various cultural activities on campus.

10. Augmentation of Budget and Refinement of Budget System
I will raise a fund/gift over 500 billion won for the next 4 years. I will also try to build a business model to increase the income. In order to plan mid-term and long-term financial and development plans, a special committee will be set up. I will convince the government and the assembly of Korea. At the same time, SNU budget will be revised to reduce waste and maximize effectiveness.


Dear Colleagues,
I have just presented 10 specific goals in order to accomplish the three goals. These plans are all pivoted around the “fundamentals”, which are essential for fostering creative knowledge and raising new generations of leaders. If I become the president of SNU, I will submit a blueprint for execution of each item within 3 months and do my best to create a consensus of our members, the government and the assembly.
I think that the virtues needed for a president of SNU include keen scholarship, a profound vision, and broad experiences. Communication is extremely important since knowledge, wisdom, and talents of our members should be brought together to achieve our goals. I will accomplish what I have promised through the leadership of effective communication and unceasing thrust. I will do my best to make SNU the role model of higher education and research in Korea and the leading university in the world. I sincerely ask for your support.