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Research Articles
[1] Myung-Hwan Kim, The Behavior of Theta-Series under Slash Operators, Comm. Korean Math. Soc. 2 (1987), 9-16.
[2] Myung-Hwan Kim, The Canonical Decomposition of Siegel Modular Forms I, J. Korean Math. Soc. 26 (1989), 57-65. [MR 90k:11060]
[3] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Ja Kyung Koo and Yoon Yong Oh), Hecke Operators and the Siegel Operator, J. Korean Math. Soc. 26 (1989), 323-334. [MR 90k:11062]
[4] Myung-Hwan Kim, Higher Degree Theta-Series, Proc. '91 Summer Symp., Korean Fed. Sci. Tech. Soc. (1991), 298-303.
[5] Myung-Hwan Kim, Introduction to Quadratic Forms, GARC & RIM-SNU Lect. Notes Ser., Vol.1 (1992), pp.41-68.
[6] Myung-Hwan Kim, The Canonical Decomposition of Siegel Modular Forms II, J. Korean Math. Soc. 29 (1992), 209-223. [MR 93k:11044]
[7] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Jae Myung Chung), A Correspondence Between Hecke Rings L0(q) and D, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 29 (1992), 101-116. [MR 93g:11045]
[8] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Youngso Ko), Introduction to Half Integral Weight Theta-Series, Proc. Workshops in Pure Math. 11-1 (1992), 61-73.
[9] Myung-Hwan Kim, Invariance of the Space of Theta-Series under Theta Operators, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 29 (1992), 245-256. [MR 93h:11045]
[10] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Youngso Ko), Generic Theta-Series of Half Integral Weight, Comm. Korean Math. Soc. 8 (1993), 191-204.
[11] Myung-Hwan Kim, Spinor Generic Theta-Series, J. Korean Math. Soc. 30 (1993), 285-298. [MR 94k:11051]
[12] Myung-Hwan Kim, Classical Theory of Modular Forms - An Introduction, RIM-GARC Lect. Notes Ser., Vol.9 (1993), pp.67-101.
[13] Myung-Hwan Kim, Arithmetic of Half Integral Weight Theta-Series Acta Arithmetica 63 (1993), 157-181. [MR 94b:11041]
[14] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Dae San Kim and Jae Moon Kim), Acion on Flag Varieties : 2-dimensional case, Geometriae Dedicata 45 (1993), 177-201. [MR 94b:14048]
[15] Myung-Hwan Kim, Introduction to Universal Positive Quadratic Forms over Real Number Fields, Proc. Workshops in Pure Math. 15-1 (1996), 93-109.
[16] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Seok-Jin Kang), Denominator Identity for Free Lie Algebras, Proc. Workshops in Pure Math. 15-1 (1996), 53-70.
[17] Myung-Hwan Kim, Positive Definite Universal Ternary Lattices over Q(\sqrt 5), Comm. Kor. Math. Soc. 11 (1996), 33-41. [MR 97k:11054]
[18] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Byeong-Kweon Oh), A Lower Bound for the Number of Squares Whose Sum Represents Integral Quadratic Forms, J. Korean Math. Soc. 33 (1996), 651-655. [MR 97j:11017]
[19] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Seok-Jin Kang), Free Lie Algebras, Generalized Witt Formula, and the Denominator Identity, J. Algebra 183 (1996), 560-594. [MR 97e:17042]
[20] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Wai-Kiu Chan and S. Raghavan), Ternary Universal Integral Quadratic Forms over Real Quadratic Fields, Japanese J. Math. 22 (1996), 263-273. [MR 97m:11051]
[21] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Seok-Jin Kang), Borcherds Superalgebras and a Monstrous Lie Super- algebra, Math. Annalen 307 (1997), 677-694. [MR 99g:17017]
[22] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Byeong-Kweon Oh), Representations of Positive Definite Senary Integral Quadratic Forms by a Sum of Squares, J. Number Theory 63 (1997), 89-100. [MR 98a:11045]
[23] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Byeong Moon Kim and S. Raghavan), 2-universal Positive Definite Integral Quinary Diagonal Integral Quadratic Forms, Ramanujan J. 1 (1997), 333-337.
[24] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Seok-Jin Kang), Dimension Formula for Graded Lie Algebras and its Applications, Transactions of Amer. Math. Soc. 351 (1999), 4281-4336.
[25] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Byeong Moon Kim and Byeong-Kweon Oh), 2-universal Positive Definite Integral Quinary Quadratic Forms, Contemporary Math. 249 (1999), 51-62.
[26] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Byeong-Kweon Oh), Generation of Isometries of Z-lattices by Symmetries, J. Number Theory 83 (2000), 76-90.
[27] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Ja Kyung Koo and Byeong-Kweon Oh), Representations of Binary Forms by Certain Quinary Positive Integral Quadratic Forms, J. Number Theory 89 (2001), 97-113.
[28] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Byeong-Kweon Oh), A Local-Global Principle for Representations of Binary Forms by Certain Quinary Forms, J. Korean Math. Soc. 39 (2002), 525-542.
[29] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Byeong-Kweon Oh), "Bounds for Quadratic Waring's Problem", Acta Arithmetica 104 (2002), 155-164.
[30] Myung-Hwan Kim(with I.-S. Lee, Y.-J. Baek, W.-H. Kim, S.-W. Kang), "New Block Encryption Algorithm FRACTAL with Provable Security" (in Korean), J. KIISC 12 (2002), 67-79.
[31] Myung-Hwan Kim, "Recent Developments on Universal Forms", Contemporary Math. 344 (2004), 215-228.
[32] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Byeong-Kweon Oh), "Representations of Integral Quadratic Forms by Sums of Squares", Math. Zeitschrift 250 (2005), 427-442.
[33] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Byeong Moon Kim and Byeong-Kweon Oh), "A Finiteness Theorem for Representability of Quadratic Forms by Forms", J. reine angew. Math. (Crell's J.) 581 (2005), 23-30.
[34] Myung-Hwan Kim (with J.H. Cheon, N.-S. Jho and E.S. Yoo), "Efficient Broadcast Encryption Using Multiple Interpolation Methods", Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2004, LNCS 3506 (2005), 87-103.
[35] Myung-Hwan Kim (with J.H. Cheon, N.-S. Jho, E.S. Yoo, J.Y. Hwang and D.H. Lee), "One-way Chain Based Broadcast Encryption Svhemes", Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2005, LNCS 3494 (2005), 559-574.
[36] Myung-Hwan Kim (with M. Yung and C.M. Park), "A Remark on Implementing the Weil Pairing", Information Security and Cryptology - CISC 2005, LNCS 3822 (2005), 313-323.
[37] Myung-Hwan Kim (with D. Kim and J.K. Koo), "Congruence Equations of the Form axi+byj+czk=d (mod p) when p=2q+1 with p and q Odd Primes", Comm. Korean Math. Soc. 20 (2005), 467-485.
[38] Myung-Hwan Kim (with J.H. Cheon, N.-S. Jho and E.S. Yoo), "New Broadcast Encryption Scheme Using Tree-Based Circle", Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshops - DRM 2005 (2005), 37-44.
[39] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Daewan Han and Yongjin Yeom), "Crypto Analysis of the Paeng-Jung-Ha Cryptosystem from PKC 2003", Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2007, LNCS 4450 (2007), 107-117.
[40] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Sung-Keun Lim), "Square Classes of Totally Positive Units", J. Number Theory 125 (2007), 1-6.
[41] Myung-Hwan Kim (with Yuanhua Wang and Fei Xu), "Universal Quadratic Forms over Polynomial Rings", J. Korean Math. Soc. 45 (2008), 1311-1322.

Myung-Hwan Kim (with Wai Kiu Chan, Byeong Moon Kim and Byeong-Kweon Oh), "Extensions of Representations of Integral Quadratic Forms", Ramanujan J. 17 (2008), 145-153.

[43] Myung-Hwan Kim (with J.H. Cheon, N.-S. Jho and E.S. Yoo), "Skipping, Cascade, and Combined Schemes for Broadcast Encryption", IEEE Trans. Information Theory 54 (2008), 5155-5171.
[44] Myung-Hwan Kim, Poo Sung Park, 2-universal Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields, Ramanujan J. 22 (2010), 139-151.
[45] Myung-Hwan Kim, Byeong-Kweon oh and Yun-Seong Ji, Positive definite quadratic forms representing integers of the form an2+b, Ramanujan J. 27(2010), 329-342.