

  1. Otto van Koert, Klaus Niederkrüger
    Open Book decompositions for contact structures on Brieskorn manifolds
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), 3679-3686.

    In this paper, we give an open book decomposition for the contact structures on some Brieskorn manifolds, in particular for the contact structures of Ustilovsky. The decomposition uses right-handed Dehn twists as conjectured by Giroux.

  2. Otto van Koert
    Open books on contact five-manifolds
    Annales de l'institut Fourier, 58 no. 1 (2008), p.~139-157

    The aim of this paper is to give an alternative proof of a theorem about the existence of contact structures on five-manifolds due to Geiges. This theorem asserts that simply-connected five-manifolds admit a contact structure in every homotopy class of almost contact structures. Our proof uses the open book construction of Giroux.

  3. Klaus Niederkrüger, Otto van Koert
    Every contact manifold can be given a non-fillable contact structure
    International Mathematics Research Notices (2007) Vol. 2007 : article ID rnm115, 22 pages, doi:10.1093/imrn/rnm115.

    Recently Francisco Presas Mata constructed the first examples of closed contact manifolds of dimension larger than 3 that contain a plastikstufe, and hence are non-fillable. Using contact surgery on his examples we create on every sphere S^{2n-1}, n>1, an exotic contact structure \xi_- that also contains a plastikstufe. As a consequence, every closed contact manifold M (except S^1) can be converted into a contact manifold that is not (semi-positively) fillable by taking the connected sum of M with (S^{2n-1},\xi_-).

  4. Otto van Koert
    Contact homology of Brieskorn manifolds
    Forum Math. 20 (2008), no. 2, p.~317-339.

    We give an algorithm for computing the contact homology of some Brieskorn manifolds. As an application, we construct infinitely many contact structures on the class of simply connected contact manifolds that admit nice contact forms (i.e. no Reeb orbits of degree -1,0 or 1) and have index positivity with trivial first Chern class.

  5. Yuri Chekanov, Otto van Koert, Felix Schlenk
    Minimal atlases of closed contact manifolds
    Published version in Proceedings of the Conference ``New Perspectives and Challenges in Symplectic Field Theory''

    We study the minimal number C(M,\xi) of contact charts that one needs to cover a closed connected contact manifold (M,\xi). Our basic result is C(M,\xi) \le \dim M + 1. We compute C(M,\xi) for all closed connected contact 3-manifolds: C (M,\xi) = 2 if M = S^3 and \xi is tight, 3 if M = S^3 and \xi is overtwisted or if M = #_k (S^2 \times S^1), 4 otherwise. We also show that on every sphere S^{2n+1} there exists a contact structure with C(S^{2n+1},\xi) \ge 3.

  6. Frédéric Bourgeois, Otto van Koert
    Contact homology of left-handed stabilizations and plumbing of open books
    Commun. Contemp. Math. 12 (2010), no. 2, 223–263.

    We show that on any closed contact manifold of dimension greater than 1 a contact structure with vanishing contact homology can be constructed. The basic idea for the construction comes from Giroux. We use a special open book decomposition for spheres. The page is the cotangent bundle of a sphere and the monodromy is given by a left-handed Dehn twist. In the resulting contact manifold we exhibit a closed Reeb orbit that bounds a single finite energy plane. As a result, the unit element of the contact homology algebra is exact and so the contact homology vanishes. This result can be extended to other contact manifolds by using connected sums. The latter is related to the plumbing- or 2-Murasugi sum of the contact open books. We shall give a possible description of this construction and some conjectures about the plumbing operation.

  7. Peter Albers, Gabriel Paternain, Urs Frauenfelder, Otto van Koert
    The contact geometry of the restricted 3-body problem
    Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 65, Issue 2, pages 229–263

    We show that the planar circular restricted three body problem is of restricted contact type for all energies below the first critical value (action of the first Lagrange point) and for energies slightly above it. This opens up the possibility of using the technology of Contact Topology to understand this particular dynamical system.

  8. Peter Albers, Joel Fish, Urs Frauenfelder, Helmut Hofer, Otto van Koert
    Global surfaces of section in the planar restricted 3-body problem
    Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis April 2012, Volume 204, Issue 1, pp 273-284

    The restricted planar three-body problem has a rich history, yet many unanswered questions still remain. In the present paper we prove the existence of a global surface of section near the smaller body in a new range of energies and mass ratios for which the Hill's region still has three connected components. The approach relies on recent global methods in symplectic geometry and contrasts sharply with the perturbative methods used until now.

  9. Urs Frauenfelder, Felix Schlenk, Otto van Koert
    Displaceability and the mean Euler characteristic
    Kyoto J. Math. Volume 52, Number 4 (2012), 797-815.

    In this note we show that the mean Euler characteristic of equivariant symplectic homology is an effective obstruction against the existence of displaceable exact contact embeddings. As an application we show that certain Brieskorn manifolds do not admit displaceable exact contact embeddings.

  10. Fan Ding, Hansjörg Geiges, Otto van Koert
    Diagrams for contact 5-manifolds
    J. London Math. Soc. (2) 86 (2012), 657-682.

    According to Giroux, contact manifolds can be described as open books whose pages are Stein manifolds. For 5-dimensional contact manifolds the pages are Stein surfaces, which permit a description via Kirby diagrams. We introduce handle moves on such diagrams that do not change the corresponding contact manifold. As an application, we derive classification results for subcritically Stein fillable contact 5-manifolds and characterise the standard contact structure on the 5-sphere in terms of such fillings. This characterisation is discussed in the context of the Andrews-Curtis conjecture concerning presentations of the trivial group. We further illustrate the use of such diagrams by a covering theorem for simply connected spin 5-manifolds and a new existence proof for contact structures on simply connected 5-manifolds.

  11. Peter Albers, Joel Fish, Urs Frauenfelder, Otto van Koert
    The Conley-Zehnder indices of the rotating Kepler problem
    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Volume 154, Issue 2 March 2013 , pp. 243-260

    We determine the Conley-Zehnder indices of all periodic orbits of the rotating Kepler problem for energies below the critical Jacobi energy. Consequently, we show the universal cover of the bounded component of the regularized energy hypersurface is dynamically convex. Moreover, in the universal cover there is always precisely one periodic orbit with Conley-Zehnder index 3, namely the lift of the doubly covered retrograde circular orbit.

  12. Urs Frauenfelder, Otto van Koert
    The Hormander index of symmetric periodic orbits
    Geometriae Dedicata, February 2014, Volume 168, Issue 1, pp 197–205

    A symmetric periodic orbit is a special kind of periodic orbit that can also be regarded as a Lagrangian intersection point. Therefore it has two Maslov indices whose difference is the Hormander index. In this paper we provide a formula for the Hormander index of a symmetric periodic orbit and its iterates in terms of Chebyshev polynomials.

  13. River Chiang, Fan Ding, Otto van Koert
    Open books for Boothby-Wang bundles, fibered Dehn twists and the mean Euler characteristic
    J. Symplectic Geom. Volume 12, Number 2 (2014), 379-426.

    We examine open books with powers of fibered Dehn twists as monodromy. The resulting contact manifolds can be thought of as Boothby-Wang orbibundles over symplectic orbifolds. Using the mean Euler characteristic of equivariant symplectic homology we can distinguish these contact manifolds and hence show that some fibered Dehn twists are not symplectically isotopic to the identity relative to the boundary. This complements results of Biran and Giroux.

  14. Kai Cieliebak, Urs Frauenfelder, Otto van Koert
    The Finsler geometry of the rotating Kepler problem
    Journal reference only. Publ. Math. Debrecen 84
    Arxiv version titled: The Cartan geometry of the rotating Kepler problem

    We investigate the Cartan and Finsler geometry of the rotating Kepler problem, a limit case of the restricted three body problem that arises if the mass of the one of the primaries goes to zero. We show that the Hamiltonian for the rotating Kepler problem can be regarded as the Legendre transform of a certain family of Finsler metrics on the two-sphere. For very negative energy levels, these Finsler metrics are close to the round metric, and the associated flag curvature is hence positive. On the other hand, we show that the flag curvature can become negative once the energy level becomes sufficiently high.

  15. Burak Ozbagci, Otto van Koert
    Contact open books with exotic pages
    Arch. Math. (Basel) 104 (2015), no. 6, 551-560.

    We consider a fixed contact 3-manifold that admits infinitely many compact Stein fillings which are all homeomorphic but pairwise non-diffeomorphic. Each of these fillings gives rise to a closed contact 5-manifold described as a contact open book whose page is the filling at hand and whose monodromy is the identity symplectomorphism. We show that the resulting infinitely many contact 5-manifolds are all diffeomorphic but pairwise non-contactomorphic. Moreover, we explicitly determine these contact 5-manifolds.

  16. Charles P. Boyer, Leonardo Macarini, Otto van Koert
    Brieskorn Manifolds, Positive Sasakian Geometry, and Contact Topology
    Forum Mathematicum 28 no. 5 (2016) 943--965

    Using S1-equivariant symplectic homology, in particular its mean Euler characteristic, of the natural filling of links of Brieskorn-Pham polynomials, we prove the existence of infinitely many inequivalent contact structures on various manifolds, including in dimension 5 the k-fold connected sums of S2×S3 and certain rational homology spheres. We then apply our result to show that on these manifolds the moduli space of classes of positive Sasakian structures has infinitely many components. We also apply our results to give lower bounds on the number of components of the moduli space of Sasaki-Einstein metrics on certain homotopy spheres. Finally a new family of Sasaki-Einstein metrics of real dimension 20 on S5 is exhibited.

  17. Myeonggi Kwon, Otto van Koert
    Brieskorn manifolds in contact topology
    Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 48 (2016), no. 2, 173-241

    In this survey, we give an overview of Brieskorn manifolds and varieties, and their role in contact topology. We discuss open books, fillings and invariants such as contact and symplectic homology. We also present some new results involving exotic contact structures, invariants and orderability. The main tool for the required computations is a version of the Morse-Bott spectral sequence. We provide a proof for the particular version that is useful for us.

  18. River Chiang, Fan Ding, Otto van Koert
    Non-fillable invariant contact structures on principal circle bundles and left-handed twists
    International Journal of MathematicsVol. 27, No. 03, 1650024 (2016)

    We define symplectic fractional twists, which generalize Dehn twists, and use these in open books to investigate contact structures. The resulting contact structures are invariant under a circle action, and share several similarities with the invariant contact structures that were studied by Lutz and Giroux. We show that left-handed fractional twists often give rise to non-fillable contact manifolds. These manifolds are in fact "algebraically overtwisted", yet they do not seem to contain bLobs, nor are they directly related to negative stabilizations. We also show that the Weinstein conjecture holds for the non-fillable contact manifolds we construct, and we investigate the symplectic isotopy problem for fractional twists.

  19. Urs Frauenfelder, Otto van Koert
    Symmetric periodic orbits and uniruled real Liouville domains
    Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, July 2016, Volume 37, Issue 4, pp 607–624

    A real Liouville domain is a Liouville domain together with an exact anti-symplectic involution. We call a real Liouville domain uniruled if there exists an invariant finite energy plane through every real point. Asymptotically an invariant finite energy plane converges to a symmetric periodic orbit. In this note we work out a criterion which guarantees uniruledness for real Liouville domains.

  20. Kai Cieliebak, Urs Frauenfelder, Otto van Koert
    Periodic orbits in the restricted three-body problem and Arnold's J+-invariant
    Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, July 2017, Volume 22, Issue 4, pp 408–434

    We apply Arnold's theory of generic smooth plane curves to Stark-Zeeman systems. This is a class of Hamiltonian dynamical systems that describes the dynamics of an electron in an external electric and magnetic field, and includes many systems from celestial mechanics. Based on Arnold's J+-invariant, we introduce invariants of periodic orbits in planar Stark-Zeeman systems and study their behaviour.

  21. Otto van Koert
    Lecture notes on stabilization of contact open books
    Munster J. of Math.10(2017), 425-455

    This note explains how to relate some contact geometric operations, such as surgery, to operations on an underlying contact open book. In particular, we shall give a simple proof of the fact that stabilizations of contact open books yield contactomorphic manifolds.

  22. Edward Belbruno, Urs Frauenfelder, Otto van Koert
    A Family of Periodic Orbits in the Three-Dimensional Lunar Problem
    Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy volume 131, Article number: 7 (2019)

    A family of periodic orbits is proven to exist in the spatial lunar problem that are continuations of a family of consecutive collision orbits, perpendicular to the primary orbit plane. This family emanates from all but two energy values. The orbits are numerically explored. The global properties and geometry of the family is studied.


  1. Otto van Koert, Martin Lübke The natural metric in the Horrocks-Mumford bundle is not Hermitian-Einstein preprint 2000
  2. Shu-Cheng Chang, Otto van Koert, Chin-Tung Wu The torsion flow on a closed pseudohermitian 3-manifold preprint 2013
  3. Urs Frauenfelder, Otto van Koert, Lei Zhao A convex embedding for the rotating Kepler problem preprint 2016


  1. Urs Frauenfelder, Otto van Koert,
    The Restricted Three-Body Problem and Holomorphic Curves
    Birkhäuser Mathematics
