ICM Satellite Conference on Operator Algebras and Applications
August 8-12, 2014
Cheongpung, Korea

This ICM satellite conference will focus on the theory of operator algebras including von Neumann algebras, C*-algebras, operator spaces/systems, and operator theory. The topics also include various related subjects; abstract harmonic analysis, free probability, noncommutative geometry, mathematical physics, etc. Plenary speakers are as follows;

Carl Cowen (Indianapolis)Gilles Pisier (Paris, Texas A&M)
Joachim Cuntz (Münster)Mikael Rørdam (København)
Raul Curto (Iowa City)Zhong-Jin Ruan (Urbana)
George Elliott (Toronto)Yasuhiko Sato (Kyoto)
Uffe Haagerup (København)Roland Speicher (Saarbrücken)
Adrian Ioana (San Diego)Jan Stochel (Kraków)
Vaughan Jones (Vanderbilt)Andrew Toms (West Lafayette)
Marius Junge (Urbana)Stefaan Vaes (Leuven)
Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (Tokyo)                  Dan Voiculescu (Berkeley)
Huaxin Lin (Eugene)Wilhelm Winter (Münster)
Narutaka Ozawa (Kyoto)Guoliang Yu (Texas A&M)

Announcement      Venue and Travel      Registration      Participants      Program      Slides of Talks
Scientific Committee: Joachim Cuntz, Raul Curto, George Elliott, Uffe Haagerup, Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, Huaxin Lin, Gilles Pisier, Zhong-Jin Ruan
Program Committee: Muneo Cho, Jaeseong Heo, Ja A Jeong, Il Bong Jung, Eungil Ko, Woo-Young Lee, Gi Hyun Park
Local Committee: Kil-Chan Ha, In Sung Hwang, Seung-Hyeok Kye, Inhyeop Yi

contact: operator_2014 at math.snu.ac.kr
open October 1, 2013
last updated August 19, 2014.