2017-08-22  16:30-18:00  MEASURE RIGIDITY FOR SOLVABLE GROUP ACTIONS ON THE SPACE OF LATTICES file Ronggang Shi  129-406 
2017-05-16  14:30-16:00  Extreme Value Theory in Dynamical Systems Maxim Kirsebom  129-406 
2017-05-18  9:40-10:40  Inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation with a fixed irrational number 한지영  129-406 
2017-05-18  14:45-15:45  Inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation with a fixed irrational number 김동한  129-406 
2017-05-18  10:55-11:55  A Multivariate extreme value law (EVL) for maximal geodesic windings around distinct cusps Maxim Kirsebom  129-406 
2017-06-19  15:00-17:00  Probabilistic Dynamic Simulation of Cancer Signaling Pathways Eugenia Lyashenko  129-406 
2017-11-27  16:30-18:00  Convex real projective Dehn fillings 이계선  129-406 
2017-09-14  14:00-16:00  On SYZ-transform of immersed Lagrangian multi-sections Yat-Hin Suen  129-406 
2018-07-05  15:00-16:00  Semicircular elements induced by p-adic number fields 조일우  129-406 
2018-07-10  10:00-12:30  Lectures on quiver Hecke algebras 김명호  129-406 
2017-09-27  16:00-18:00  Mirror Symmetry and Topological Recursion Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu  129-406 
2018-07-11  14:00-16:30  Lectures on quiver Hecke algebras 김명호  129-406 
2018-07-12  15:00-17:00  Isolated points in the spectrum of linear pencil of operators Slavisa V. Djordjevic  129-406 
2017-11-23  16:00-18:00  Lie group contractions and effective knot invariants Roland van der Veen  129-406 
2017-11-24  10:30-12:00  Representations of the knot group into a quantum group Roland van der Veen  129-406 
2018-10-23  14:00-16:00  On virtual embeddability between the mapping class groups of some surfaces Takuya KATAYAMA  129-406 
2017-12-06  17:00-18:30  Computational Algebraic Geometry and Computer Vision II Joe Kileel  129-406 
2018-12-03  14:00-15:00  Log BPS numbers of log Calabi-Yau surfaces 최진원  129-406 
2019-06-10  14:00-16:00  Delta-invariants of complete intersection log del Pezzo surfaces 김인균  129-406 
2018-04-11  15:00-17:00  Analysis of pseudoholomorphic curves and Hofer's displacement energy 오용근  129-406