2017-06-08  16:00-17:30  A classification program of simple, amenable C*-algebras: an overview without telescopes 이현호  129-301 
2022-05-04  17:00-19:00  Duality in actions and inclusions 이현호  129-406 
2016-05-20  11:00-12:00  Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem and Detailed Balance in Langevin Systems 이현근  27-116 
2024-11-15  10:00-12:00  First-order differential calculi and Laplacians on $q$-deformations of compact semisimple Lie groups 이헌  129-301 
2021-10-05  16:00-16:30  Analytic theory of Itô-stochastic differential equations 이해성  129-101 
2014-11-07  16:00-17:00  Omori-Yau Maximum Principle on Alexandrov Spaces 이한진  129-301 
2022-07-28  11:00-12:00  The Liouville PDE, Reinforcement Learning, and their applications 이필화  27-220 
2014-03-21  14:00-15:00  illov-Reshetikhin modules and the WZW fusion ring 이철희  129-301 
2014-06-24  15:00-16:00  Introduction to Hecke operators 이철희  27-325 
2014-06-24  14:00-15:00  What is a Coxeter number? 이철희  27-325 
2015-06-11  15:00-16:00  Jacobi's theta function from a representation theoretic viewpoint 이철희  27-325 
2019-07-17  11:00-14:30  Finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras 1, 2 이철희  129-301 
2019-04-09  15:00-16:00  A construction of multiplicity class from Hesselink stratification 이철규  129-406 
2021-09-03  10:30-12:00  Large deviation principle for heavy tailed random variables III 이창한  선택 
2024-09-04  16:00-17:00  <SNU 10-10 Project: 학부생 콜로퀴움> Operations Research: Mathematics of Decision Making 이창한  129-101 
2014-04-04  10:30-12:00  Generalization of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger theorem to multipartite high dimensional systems 이진형  129-301 
2021-11-02  16:00-16:30  Multilinear Harmonic Analysis and Applications file 이진봉  129-101 
2023-04-25  17:00-18:30  A proof of Fuglede’s conjecture for convex domains 이진봉  27-116 
2023-10-17  16:00-17:00  Improved bounds for Stein's square functions 이진봉  27-116 
2024-07-23  14:00-15:30  The limit of Navier-Stokes-Maxwell equations 이지훈  27-325