2016-10-18  17:00-18:30  Symbolic dynamics on hyperbolic graph 홍순기  129-406 
2016-10-25  17:00-18:30  Topology of shellable complexes 이강주  129-406 
2016-11-01  17:00-18:30  Twisted alexander polynomial 윤석범  129-406 
2016-11-02  17:00-18:30  Simple crossed products by coactions of compact quantum groups 김동운  129-301 
2016-11-08  17:00-18:30  A family of J-holomorphic spheres in (CP2 #(-CP2)^8) × CP1 김현문  129-406 
2016-11-15  17:00-18:30  Non-finite generatedness of some linear groups 이돈성  129-406 
2016-11-22  17:00-18:30  SL_2(R) action on Hyperbolic plane 한지영  129-406 
2016-11-29  17:00-18:30  CAT(0) cube complex의 소개 서동균  129-406 
2017-09-25  17:00-18:30  Boundary theory of subordinate killed Levy processes file Renming Song  27-116 
2017-10-30  17:00-18:30  Affine Processes and Stochastic Continuity Robert Wardenga  129-307 
2017-12-05  17:00-18:30  Computational Algebraic Geometry and Computer Vision I Joe Kileel  129-301 
2017-12-06  17:00-18:30  Computational Algebraic Geometry and Computer Vision II Joe Kileel  129-406 
2017-12-08  17:00-18:30  Computational Algebraic Geometry and Computer Vision III Joe Kileel  129-104 
2018-11-28  17:00-18:30  An efficient approach for removing look-ahead bias in the least square Monte Carlo algorithm: Leave-one-out 최재혁  27-325 
2023-03-29  17:00-18:30  Magnetic properties of ground states in many-electron systems Tadahiro Miyao  129-301 
2023-04-25  17:00-18:30  A proof of Fuglede’s conjecture for convex domains 이진봉  27-116 
2023-05-31  17:00-18:30  Various mapping cones of positive maps arising from quantum information theory 계승혁  129-301 
2023-09-13  17:00-18:30  $L_p$-bounds for pseudodifferential operators on curved noncommutative tori 이기현  129-301 
2023-10-04  17:00-18:30  Random matrices and operator algebras 윤상균  129-301 
2023-10-11  17:00-18:30  Random matrices and quantum information theory 윤상균  129-301