2024-03-28  16:00-16:30  <Rookies Pitch> About deformation rigidity of some quasi-homogeneous varieties with Picard number one 김신영  129-101 
2023-10-12  16:00-16:30  Mathematical understanding of first-order optimization algorithms 박지선  129-101 
2023-12-05  16:00-16:30  Free boundary minimal surfaces in a ball and eigenvalue problems 서동휘  129-101 
2024-04-16  16:00-16:30  Defining smallness and independence in arbitrary mathematical structures from a model-theoretic perspective. 김준희  129-101 
2024-05-09  16:00-16:30  Multiscale method in cluster expansion 박지운  129-101 
2024-06-04  16:00-16:30  When finite fields meet combinatorics 유세민  129-101 
2018-11-21  16:00 -18:00  Four independences in non-commutative probability Takahiro Hasebe  129-301 
2015-05-26  16:00 - 17:00  Green functions for elliptic systems 최종근  27-220 
2014-02-05  16:00  On weighted $L^2$ estimates for solutions of the wave equation file 고영우  27-220 
2024-03-20  15:45-18:00  The monodromy conjecture for simplicial nondegenerate singularities Matt Larson  129-406 
2017-12-13  15:30-19:30  LWE over the integers and improved side-channel attacks against BLISS Mehdi Tibouchi  129-104 
2022-05-17  15:30-18:30  Lectures on Financial Mathematics Constantinos Kardaras  129-104 
2022-05-19  15:30-18:30  A production equilibrium model for capacity expansion (WIP) Constantinos Kardaras  129-104 
2018-05-29  15:30-18:00  Sign coherence of unit vectors in certain lattices 이규환  129-307 
2021-12-01  15:30-18:00  Asymptotic behavior at singularities of mean curvature flow 최경수  선택 
2022-08-10  15:30-18:00  Hyperkahler manifolds in mathematics and physics Arnav Tripathy  129-104 
2022-09-28  15:30-18:00  On the long-time behavior of scale-invariant solutions to the 2d Euler equation Ayman R. Said  129-301 
2024-05-09  15:30-18:00  Surface group representations - it's not all about Teichmüller! Arnaud Maret  27-220 
2024-05-07  15:30-18:00  Surface group representations - it's not all about Teichmüller! Arnaud Maret  27-220 
2024-08-02  15:30-18:00  Theory and Application of Scientific Machine Learning 홍영준  27-220