2021-07-02  09:00-10:00  On Hölder continuous globally dissipative Euler flows 권현주  선택 
2021-07-05  14:00-16:00  Algebraic operations on Fukaya category 조철현  129-406 
2021-07-06  10:00-12:00  Stability of vortex patches of 2D Euler equations 최규동  선택 
2021-07-07  10:00-12:00  Stability of vortex patches of 2D Euler equations, II 최규동  선택 
2021-07-08  10:00-12:00  Stability of radially symmetric, monotone vorticities of 2D Euler equations 임덕우  선택 
2021-07-08  15:00-16:30  Volume growth of symplectomorphisms and Floer theory 김준태  27-325 
2021-07-08  16:30-18:00  An explicit computation of wrapped Floer homology ring via Seidel maps 권명기  27-325 
2021-07-09  10:00-12:00  Stability of radially symmetric, monotone vorticities of 2D Euler equations II 최규동  선택 
2021-07-13  10:00-12:00  Data-driven learning of the G-limits in homogenization problems 박준서  27-116 
2021-07-14  11:00-15:00  Transverse foliations for three-dimensional Reeb flows 김성찬  27-220 
2021-07-15  19:30-20:30  Infinite time singularity formation in incompressible fluids ELGINDI, Tarek M  선택 
2021-07-22  14:00-16:00  Potential estimates for nonlinear elliptic measure data problems with obstacles 윤영훈  27-325 
2021-07-26  09:00-12:00  On the Cauchy problem for quasilinear dispersive PDEs Ⅰ 오성진  선택 
2021-07-27  09:00-11:00  On the Cauchy problem for quasilinear dispersive PDEs Ⅱ 오성진  선택 
2021-07-29  09:00-11:00  On the Cauchy problem for quasilinear dispersive PDEs III 오성진  선택 
2021-07-30  09:00-11:00  On the Cauchy problem for quasilinear dispersive PDEs IV 오성진  선택 
2021-08-03  10:00-11:00  Geometric approaches to the local Langlands correspondence I-IV 홍세린  27-220 
2021-08-03  11:20-12:20  Geometric approaches to the local Langlands correspondence I-IV 홍세린  27-220 
2021-08-05  11:20-12:20  Geometric approaches to the local Langlands correspondence I-IV 홍세린  27-220 
2021-08-05  10:00-11:00  Geometric approaches to the local Langlands correspondence I-IV 홍세린  27-220