2024-01-26  14:00-16:00  Neural Quantum Embedding: Pushing the Limits of Quantum Supervised Learning 박경덕  선택 
2024-02-13  14:00-16:00  Nonlinear nonlocal gradient potential estimates 이호식  27-325 
2024-02-23  14:00-16:00  디지털마케팅의 이해 : 양자과학의 응용 심현  선택 
2024-03-20  14:00-16:00  T-depth of quantum circuits 김태완  선택 
2024-05-14  14:00-16:00  Local smoothing for the Hermite wave equation 유재현  27-116 
2024-05-28  14:00-16:00  Sensitivity analysis of robust optimization problems and nonlinear Kolmogorov PDEs Kyunghyun Park  27-220 
2024-07-01  14:00-16:00  Are $L^\infty$ solutions to 1-D hyperbolic systems unique? Sam Krupa  27-325 
2024-08-03  14:00-16:00  Quantum loss sensing under a noisy environment with classical Fisher information 박상일  선택 
2024-09-03  14:00-16:00  An extended Vinogradov's mean value theorem 연기석  27-116 
2024-10-25  14:00-16:00  Simulating Clifford circuits with a framed Wigner function 권혁준  선택 
2024-11-26  14:00-16:00  Maximal estimates for orthonormal system Shobu Shiraki  27-116 
2024-10-08  14:00-16:00  Variation of geometric invariant theory quotients and derived categories 이상욱  129-301 
2021-10-09  14:00-15:50  The use of modular form theory in studying quadratic forms 김경민  129-406 
2015-01-07  14:00-15:30  Pierre Deligne and the Weil conjectures Luc Illusie  27-220 
2015-01-09  14:00-15:30  Pierre Deligne and the Weil conjectures Luc Illusie  27-220 
2015-01-12  14:00-15:30  Pierre Deligne and the Weil conjectures Luc Illusie  27-220 
2015-01-14  14:00-15:30  Pierre Deligne and the Weil conjectures Luc Illusie  27-220 
2015-01-05  14:00-15:30  Rational torsion points of Jacobians of Shimura curves 유화종  129-406 
2016-04-07  14:00-15:30  Semigroup C*-algebras -- C*-algebraic preliminaries Xin Li  129-301 
2017-02-06  14:00-15:30  Lecture 2. The Free Fermion and the Boson-Fermion Correspondence Jethro van Ekeren  129-406