2019-11-12  16:30-17:30  Growth of systole of arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds Plinio G. P. Murillo  27-220 
2023-04-12  17:00-18:00  A personal view of compact and non-compact quantum groups Piotr Sołtan  129-301 
2014-12-09  17:00-18:00  Balanced wall for random groups Piotr Przytycki  선택 
2022-06-04  11:00-11:30  Global Sobolev regularity for general type of elliptic equations with measure data Pilsoo Shin  27-325 
2016-07-05  09:30-15:30  Worst-case to Average-case Reductions for Lattice Problems Phong Nguyen  129-301 
2014-07-29  10:00-12:00  The best hope for the geometric Langlands program Philsang Yoo  129-406 
2019-04-24  17:00~18:00  The cohomology class of the Peterson variety Philippe Nadeau  129-406 
2017-07-25  15:00-17:00  Derivation of effective equations for interacting many particle system Peter Pickl  129-101 
2017-07-26  10:00-12:00  Derivation of effective equations for interacting many particle system Peter Pickl  129-101 
2017-07-27  10:00-12:00  Derivation of effective equations for interacting many particle system Peter Pickl  129-101 
2019-07-19  16:00-17:00  Diophantine analysis on moduli of local systems Peter Junho Whang  27-116 
2018-05-21  16:00-18:00  Generalized Orlicz Spaces Peter Hasto  129-301 
2024-08-22  10:30-12:00  Outer symplectic billiard Peter Albers  129-406 
2017-05-19  16:00-17:00  The p-Laplacian: old and new Pavel Drabek  27-325 
2016-11-08  16:00-17:00  An alpha-stable limit theorem for Sinai billiards with cusps Paul Jung  129-104 
2024-10-29  16:00-17:00  The Curve Shortening Flow for Curves of Finite Total Absolute Curvature Patrick Guidotti  27-116 
2018-06-08  16:00-17:30  Dirichlet forms and heat kernels on generalized diamond fractals Patricia Alonso-Ruiz  129-104 
2016-05-25  09:00-10:00  On quantum hydrodynamics Paolo Antonelli  129-406 
2022-07-11  10:30-13:00  Survival kit on plane curve singularities I Pablo Portilla cuadrado  129-406 
2022-07-19  10:30-13:00  A quadratic form associated with pseudo-periodic homeomorphisms arising from singularity theory. Pablo Portilla cuadrado  129-406