Oct 25, 2019  14:00-16:00  Fractional differentiability results for nonlinear measure data problems with coefficients file 윤영훈  129-104 
Apr 26, 2018  14:00-16:00  Uncertainty quantification for partial differential equations and their optimal control problems 이형천  27-220 
Oct 17, 2019  14:00-16:00  MODULE SPACES FOR SYMPLECTIC VORTICES Bohui Chen  129-406 
Mar 19, 2021  14:00-16:00  QKD 기반의 보안네트워크 구축 손일권  선택 
Apr 09, 2021  14:00-16:00  Bound entangled states that allow players to distill one-way genuine secret-sharing state 최민진  선택 
Jul 05, 2021  14:00-16:00  Algebraic operations on Fukaya category 조철현  129-406 
Sep 02, 2021  14:00-16:00  인공지능의 이해와 오해 도신호  129-301 
Aug 20, 2021  14:00-16:00  Quantum nonlocality without entanglement depending on nonzero prior pribilities in optimal unambiguous discrimition 하동훈  선택 
Dec 03, 2019  14:00-16:00  A Brief Introduction to Quantum Computer 최하영  129-301 
Oct 22, 2021  14:00-16:00  Skin-like stretchable bioelectronics 손동희  선택 
Jan 18, 2019  14:00-16:00  Macdonald Polynomials: Representation Theory and Combinatorics Cristian Lenart  129-301 
Jan 16, 2019  14:00-16:00  Macdonald Polynomials: Representation Theory and Combinatorics Cristian Lenart  129-406 
Jan 14, 2019  14:00-16:00  Macdonald Polynomials: Representation Theory and Combinatorics Cristian Lenart  129-406 
Apr 04, 2022  14:00-16:00  Computation of Lagrangian Floer Cohomology on Balanced Torus Fibers of Toric Fano Manifolds 김도형  129-309 
Apr 15, 2022  14:00-16:00  Deformations of sandwiched surface singularities 신동수  129-301 
Jun 10, 2022  14:00-16:00  Quantum enhanced multiple-phase estimation with multi-mode N00N states 임향택  선택 
Mar 28, 2019  14:00-16:00  Introduction to oriented cohomology and algebraic cobordism 박진현  129-301 
Apr 04, 2019  14:00-16:00  Motivic cohomology on smooth k-schemes 박진현  129-301 
Apr 11, 2019  14:00-16:00  On motivic cohomology on singular k-schemes 박진현  129-301 
Dec 21, 2022  14:00-16:00  Fully nonlinear elliptic euqations Lihe Wang  27-325