2019-06-12  10:30-11:30  Flexible Variable Selection for Recovering Sparsity in Nonadditive Nonparametric Models 김인영  129-406 
2024-08-05  10:30-11:30  Donaldson divisors and spectral invariants Yusuke Kawamoto  129-406 
2020-01-14  10:30-11:30  Derivation principle of BGK models Stephane Brull  27-116 
2021-11-02  10:30-11:30  Construction of KR modules of generalized quantum group of type A 유정우  27-220 
2022-04-01  10:30-11:30  Randomness and structure for sums of cubes Victor Wang  선택 
2022-07-12  10:30-11:30  Approximation of the bitemperature Euler system in 2D Stéphane Brull  27-325 
2023-04-07  10:30-11:30  블록체인과 비트코인 오승상  129-406 
2024-01-04  10:30-11:30  The set of exceptions to the inhomogeneous uniform version of Littlewood conjecture Ⅱ 김우연  129-406 
2024-08-12  10:30-11:30  Quantitative Floer theory and coefficients Yusuke Kawamoto  129-406 
2024-10-18  10:30-11:30  A structured population model to study the impact of climate change on tree phenology. Raoul Gael  27-325 
2024-10-18  10:30-11:30  A structured population model to study the impact of climate change on tree phenology Raoul Gael  27-325 
2023-12-15  10:30-11:20  Cut jump discontinuity and regularity of compressible Navier-Stokes flows 권재룡  27-325 
2014-01-07  10:30  Brownian motion on hyperbolic spaces and Martin boundary I Francois Ledrappier  129-307 
2014-01-10  10:30  Brownian motion on hyperbolic spaces and Martin boundary II Francois Ledrappier  129-307 
2014-01-11  10:30  Quantum Computing in a Weekend – Lecture 1,2 Artur Ekert  27-116 
2014-01-12  10:30  Quantum Computing in a Weekend – Lecture 3,4 Artur Ekert  27-116 
2014-01-14  10:30  Brownian motion on hyperbolic spaces and Martin boundary III Francois Ledrappier  129-307 
2022-06-04  10:20-10:50  C 1,α-regularity for nonlinear equations Jihoon Ok  27-325 
2022-07-06  10:11:30  Complex Kuranishi spaces 2 오정석  129-310 
2015-12-07  10:00~12:00,14:00~15:30  Recent Progress in Numerical Analysis and Image Processing Stanley Osher  27-220