2020-12-23  16:00-19:00  Jump process의 산업적 응용 안신미  27-116 
2020-12-23  10:00-13:00  Machine-learning for mathematics: case study of number fields and elliptic curves 이규환  선택 
2020-12-23  16:00-18:00  Diagonal action on PGL(3) over positive characteristic 권상훈  선택 
2020-12-23  14:30-15:30, 15:45-16:45  Zeta함수와 L함수에 대한 역사적 고찰ⅴ 신석우  선택 
2020-12-17  14:30-16:45  Zeta함수와 L함수에 대한 역사적 고찰ⅳ 신석우  선택 
2020-12-10  14:30-16:45  Zeta함수와 L함수에 대한 역사적 고찰ⅲ 신석우  선택 
2020-12-09  14:00-15:00  Concentration of measure phenomenon in sub-critical exponential random graphs 남경식  선택 
2020-11-27  11:00-12:00  Zeta함수와 L함수에 대한 역사적 고찰 신석우  선택 
2020-11-20  15:30-17:45  Zeta함수와 L함수에 대한 역사적 고찰 신석우  129-101 
2020-11-10  11:00-13:00  Exponential mixing of geodesic flows for geometrically finite hyperbolic manifolds with cusps file Wenyu Pan  선택 
2020-11-10  11:00-13:00  simple approximation scheme for Darcy's flow Young Ju Lee  129-301 
2020-11-04  12:30-14:00  Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations for maximum entropy optimal control 김정호  선택 
2020-10-26  16:00-18:00  Asymptotic translation lengths and normal closures of pseudo-Anosov mapping classes 백형렬  129-406 
2020-10-22  09:30-12:30  Hausdorff dimensions of perturbations of conformal iterated function systerm via thermodynamic formailism 김우연  129-301 
2020-09-29  16:00-19:00  Equidistribution of Affine random walks on some nilmanifolds Weikun He  129-406 
2020-08-07  09:30-11:30  Embedding Carnot groups into bounded dimensional Euclidean spaces with optimal distortion 유상우  27-116 
2020-08-05  09:30-11:30  Embedding Carnot groups into bounded dimensional Euclidean spaces with optimal distortion 유상우  27-116 
2020-08-04  14:00-15:00  Hard Lefschetz theorem on a transversely symplectic foliation 정승달  27-116 
2020-07-29  11:00-12:00  Structure analysis of direct sampling method in 3D electromagnetic inverse scattering problem 강상우  27-116 
2020-06-03  13:00-19:00  Coupling between the flocking models and incompressible fluids. 배형옥  129-307