2022-12-02  13:00-15:00  Equidistribution theorems and their application to Oppenheim conjecture-typed problems 한지영  129-309 
2022-12-21  13:00-15:00  Length Spectrum and Gromov Hyperbolicity 서동균  129-309 
2022-12-26  13:30-15:30  Negatively curved asymptotically harmonic manifolds with non-uniform lattices and related rigidity phenomena 김재린  129-309 
2022-12-27  14:00-16:00  Negatively curved asymptotically harmonic manifolds with non-uniform lattices and related rigidity phenomena 김재린  129-309 
2023-03-10  12:00-17:00  (QSMS-BK21 Symplectic Seminar) Mirror Symmetry for Log Calabi-Yau Surfaces 김현빈  129-309 
2023-04-21  10:30-12:00  Non-freeness of certain two-parabolic groups 김상현  129-309 
2023-05-17  16:00-18:00  Affinizations, R-matrices and reflection functors 박의용  129-309 
2023-05-25  13:00-15:00  Commuting pairs of bounded linear operators acting on a Hilbert space—Structure properties Jasang Yoon  129-309 
2023-05-26  15:00-17:00  Commuting pairs of bounded linear operators acting on a Hilbert space—Operator Transforms Jasang Yoon  129-309 
2023-05-29  15:30-17:30  Commuting pairs of bounded linear operators acting on a Hilbert space— Spectral and joint invariant subspace properties Jasang Yoon  129-309 
2023-06-30  15:00-17:00  On Scaled-Hypercomplex Numbers Il Woo Cho  129-309 
2023-06-23  09:30-11:00  Ergodicity of Iwasawa Continued Fractions and Markable Hyperbolic Geodesics II 박성재  129-309 
2023-06-15  11:00-12:30  On uniformly rotating binary stars 석진명  129-309 
2023-06-16  09:30-11:00  Ergodicity of Iwasawa Continued Fractions and Markable Hyperbolic Geodesics 박성재  129-309 
2023-06-28  11:00-13:00  Group action on projective frames 초록: We introduce projective linear group 권상훈  129-309 
2023-07-14  10:00-17:00  Introduction to 3D Mirror Symmetry, from a Symplectic Viewpoint 김용환  129-309 
2023-11-07  15:00-16:30  Volume bounds for hyperbolic 3-polyhedra and knots Andrei Vesnin  129-309 
2023-12-14  16:00-17:00  LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) 이종호  129-309 
2023-12-19  15:00-17:30  Reidemeister Torsion in Circle-Valued Morse Theory 김용환  129-309 
2023-12-20  11:00-12:30  Integrating Navier–Stokes Equations, Hemodynamics, and Neuroimaging Maryam Samavaki  129-309