Mar 14, 2023  16:40-17:10  Macroscopic structure of stochastic partial differential equations 이재윤  129-101 
Mar 14, 2023  16:00-16:30  Potential Theory for Markov processes 강재훈  129-101 
May 16, 2023  16:40-17:10  The river of regular quadratic polynomials 김민규  129-101 
Sep 19, 2023  16:00-16:30  Universal-like integral quadratic forms 윤종흔  129-101 
Sep 19, 2023  16:40-17:10  Non-vanishing mod p of special L-values 권재성  129-101 
Dec 05, 2023  16:40-17:10  Why do we study minimal submanifolds? 이재훈  129-101 
Dec 12, 2023  16:00-17:00  수학을 포기하지 않는 자를 만들기 위한 대학 수학 교육 서인석  129-101 
Nov 20, 2020  15:30-17:45  Zeta함수와 L함수에 대한 역사적 고찰 신석우  129-101 
Oct 22, 2024  16:00-16:30  [Rookies Pitch] Introduction to Poincaré-Einstein Manifolds 이상훈  129-101 
Mar 09, 2021  16:40-17:10  When algebraic geometry meets infinity-category theory 조창연  129-101 
Mar 09, 2021  16:00-16:30  Higman's PORC Conjecture and the zeta functions of groups and rings 이승재  129-101 
Mar 16, 2021  16:00-16:30  Extensive networks would eliminate the demand for pricing formulas 전재기  129-101 
Mar 16, 2021  16:40-17:10  Quantum BGK model of the Boltzmann equation near a global equilibrium 배기찬  129-101 
Apr 06, 2021  16:00-16:30  Generalization of Synchronization models 박한솔  129-101 
Apr 06, 2021  16:40-17:10  The Regularity Theory for the Double Obstacle Problem 박진완  129-101 
Apr 20, 2021  16:00-16:30  Simplicial networks for higher-order Interactions 이강주  129-101 
Apr 20, 2021  16:40-17:10  Data-driven chance-constrained optimization under Wasserstein ambiguity 이다빈  129-101 
May 04, 2021  16:40-17:10  Deformation of period integrals and its application 김예슬  129-101 
May 04, 2021  16:00-16:30  Demazure modules and $0$-Hecke modules of type $A$ 최승일  129-101 
May 18, 2021  16:40-17:10  A brief introduction to Lagrangian Floer theory 배한울  129-101