2019-11-15  15:00-16:00  Mathematical study on self-dual equations arising from two dimensional gauge field models 한종민  129-104 
2020-02-18  10:30-17:30  Quantum unipotent coordinate algebras and dual canonical bases Yoshiyuki Kimura  129-104 
2020-02-19  10:30-17:00  Quantum unipotent coordinate algebras and dual canonical bases Yoshiyuki Kimura  129-104 
2020-02-20  10:30-17:00  Quantum unipotent coordinate algebras and dual canonical bases Yoshiyuki Kimura  129-104 
2019-01-03  10:00-11:30  Families of periodic orbits in the restricted three-body problem and the Cieliebak-Frauenfelder-van Koert invariants 김성찬  129-104 
2022-04-26  14:00-17:00  Lectures on Financial Mathematics Constantinos Kardaras  129-104 
2019-08-02  16:00-17:00  Approximation Theory in Data Science Yeonjong Shin  129-104 
2019-10-25  16:00-18:00  Hessian estimates for fully nonlinear equations via the large-M-inequality principle 이미경  129-104 
2019-10-18  14:00-15:00  Introduction to Calibrated Geometry 이재혁  129-104 
2019-10-18  15:10-16:10  Introduction to Dwork's theory 박지훈  129-104 
2019-10-18  16:30-17:30  Introduction to rational homotopy theory 박재석  129-104 
2023-01-31  16:30-17:30  Heat kernel estimates for symmetric jump processes with anisotropic jumping kernels 강재훈  129-104 
2023-02-02  16:30-17:30  Estimates on transition densities for Markov processes with singular jumps file 김경윤  129-104 
2019-10-28  18:00-19:00  Data Integration and Manifold Optimization 최서원  129-104 
2023-05-12  15:00-16:00  Shrinking targets on translation surfaces Josh Southerland  129-104 
2019-10-28  17:00-18:00  Investigation of ‘Flash Crash” via Topological Data Analysis (TDA) 김원세  129-104 
2019-11-15  16:00-17:00  On O(3) Maxwell-Chern-Simons equations on a 2-D flat torus 송경우  129-104 
2023-08-14  13:00-15:00  A uniform bound for solutions to a thermo-diffusive system 라준현  129-104 
2019-12-20  14:00-15:00  Introduction to cluster algebras 이경용  129-104 
2020-02-04  15:00-17:00  Developing Nonlinear Procedures for PDEs: Regularized Long-Wave equation 장택수  129-104