2024-04-16  16:00-16:30  Defining smallness and independence in arbitrary mathematical structures from a model-theoretic perspective. 김준희  129-101 
2023-11-09  16:40-17:10  On wellposedness of $\alpha$-SQG equations 김준하  129-101 
2019-06-12  11:00-12:00  Symplectic topology of real Lagrangians 김준태  27-220 
2021-07-08  15:00-16:30  Volume growth of symplectomorphisms and Floer theory 김준태  27-325 
2023-01-27  14:00-17:00  Localization in Floer theory and its applications 김준태  27-317 
2023-08-17  14:30-16:00  Symplectic Torelli classes of positive entropy 김준태  129-104 
2024-11-15  14:00-16:30  Lagrangian knot problems in symplectic four-manifolds 김준태  129-309 
2024-11-18  14:00-16:30  Lagrangian knot problems in symplectic four-manifolds 김준태  129-309 
2016-05-17  16:00-18:00  Oscillatory Integrals over Global Domains file 김준일  27-116 
2017-05-30  16:00-18:00  Discrete Hilbert transforms along parabolas file 김준일  27-116 
2022-06-20  16:00-18:00  Discrete Double Hilbert transforms Along Polynomial Surfaces file 김준일  27-325 
2022-06-20  16:00-18:00  Discrete Double Hilbert transforms Along Polynomial Surfaces 김준일  27-325 
2024-07-22  14:00-15:30  Acylindrical hyperbolicity of outer automorphism groups of right-angled Artin groups 김준석  129-309 
2022-01-26  11:30-1300  Computing Husimi functions using COMSOL Multiphysics file 김주만  선택 
2022-08-02  16:00-18:00  Nikodym sets for spheres and related maximal functions 김종천  27-220 
2024-05-07  15:30-17:30  Introduction to triangulated persistence categories 김종명  129-301 
2014-12-17  15:00-16:00, 16:00-17:00  Coding Theory from the Viewpoint of Lattices 김종락  129-104 
2016-01-22  16:00-17:00  Monte Carlo Estimation for Dothan Bond Pricing Model 김제국  27-116 
2014-05-07  16:00-17:00  Deformations of compact holomorphic Poisson manifolds 김정훈  27-317 
2020-11-04  12:30-14:00  Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations for maximum entropy optimal control 김정호  선택