List of Articles
Category Subject Dept. Lecturer
Math Colloquia Birational Geometry of varieties with effective anti-canonical divisors file 연세대학교 최성락
Math Colloquia Averaging formula for Nielsen numbers file 서강대학교 이종범
Math Colloquia Arithmetic of elliptic curves file 서울대 김도형
Math Colloquia Anomalous diffusions and fractional order differential equations file University of Washington Zhen-Qing Chen
Math Colloquia Analytic torsion and mirror symmetry file Kyoto University Ken-ichi Yoshikawa
Math Colloquia Analysis and computations of stochastic optimal control problems for stochastic PDEs file 아주대 이형천
Math Colloquia An introduction to hyperplane arrangements file 서울대 이승진
Math Colloquia An equivalent condition to Bohr's for Dirichlet series file 포항공대 최윤성
Math Colloquia Alice and Bob meet Banach and von Neumann file 서울대 이훈희
Math Colloquia A-infinity functor and topological field theory file Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Kenji Fukaya
Math Colloquia A new view of Fokker-Planck equations in finite and Infinite dimensional spaces file Bielefeld Univ./Purdue Univ. Michael Roeckner
Math Colloquia A modified separation method to solve a heat-transfer boundary value problem file 서울대 경제학부 최병선
Math Colloquia A dissipative effect on some PDEs with physical singularity file University of Wisconsin-Madison 김찬우
Math Colloquia A brief introduction to stochastic models, stochastic integrals and stochastic PDEs file 고려대학교 김경훈
Math Colloquia <학부생을 위한 강연> 사색 정리를 포함하는 Hadwiger의 추측의 변형에 관하여 file KAIST 엄상일
Math Colloquia 4-manifold topology and disk embedding file 포항공과대학교 차재춘
Math Colloquia 1 is big enough to understand 3 file 카이스트 백형렬
Math Colloquia <학부생을 위한 강연> 수학과 보험산업 file 라이나생명 유신옥
Math Colloquia <학부생을 위한 ε 강연> 압축센싱과 행렬완성 file 서울대 심병효
Math Colloquia <학부생을 위한 ε 강연> 수학과 예술 - 초기 컴퓨터 그래픽 file 동양대학교 진중권
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