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Lecturer 김세익
Dept. 연세대학교
date Oct 19, 2017


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  1. Toward bridging a connection between machine learning and applied mathematics

    This lecture explores the topics and areas that have guided my research in computational mathematics and deep learning in recent years. Numerical methods in computational science are essential for comprehending real-world phenomena, and dee...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.성균관대학교 Lecturer홍영준
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  2. Lie group actions on symplectic manifolds

    For a given compact Lie group G, classifying all manifolds equipped with G-actions is one of the most fundamental and important problems in differential geometry. In this talk, We will discuss the problem in the symplectic category and expl...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.성균관대학교 수학교육과 Lecturer조윤형
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  3. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Secure computation: Promise and challenges

    This talk discusses modern cryptographic techniques, such as zero-knowledge proof, multi-party computation and homomorphic encryption, which provide advanced functionality and security guarantees beyond data privacy and authenticity. I will...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.송용수 Lecturer<학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Secure computation: Promise and challenges
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  4. Contact topology of singularities and symplectic fillings

    For an isolated singularity, the intersection with a small sphere forms a smooth manifold, called the link of a singularity. It admits a canonical contact structure, and this turns out to be a fine invariant of singularities and provides an...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.순천대학교 Lecturer권명기
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  5. Mirror symmetry of pairings

    ※ 강연 앞 부분이 잘렸습니다. (강연자료 다운: Mirror symmetry of pairings.pdf ) 초록: Mirror symmetry has served as a rich source of striking coincidences of various kinds. In this talk we will first review two kinds of mirror symmetry statem...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.숭실대학교 Lecturer이상욱
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  6. Analysis and computations of stochastic optimal control problems for stochastic PDEs

    Many mathematical and computational analyses have been performed for deterministic partial differential equations (PDEs) that have perfectly known input data. However, in reality, many physical and engineering problems involve some level of ...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.아주대 Lecturer이형천
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  7. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 색과 그래프: 그래프 색칠 문제의 매력과 도전

    그래프 색칠 문제는 그래프 이론에서 중요한 주제로, 인접한 두 정점이 같은 색을 가지지 않도록 그래프를 색칠하는 방법을 연구합니다. 이는 단순한 퍼즐처럼 보일 수 있지만, 수학적 깊이와 다양한 응용 가능성을 지니고 있습니다. 이번 강연에서는 그래프 ...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.아주대학교 Lecturer박보람
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  8. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Continuous-time Portfolio Selection

    현대 연속시간 포트폴리오 선택이론에 대하여 설명한다. 마코위츠 의 정적 선택이론으로 시작하여 머튼의 연속시간 선택이론을 설명한다. 1950년대 우주 개발을 위하여 개발된 최적 제어이론이 연속시간 포트폴리오 선택이론에 어떻게 사용되었는가를 설명하고...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.아주대학교 금융공학과 Lecturer구형건
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  9. What is model theory?

    I will introduce the basic notions of model theory, a branch of mathematical logic, and survey its applications to other areas of mathematics such as analysis, algebra, combinatorics and number theory. If time permits I will present recent w...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대 Lecturer김병한
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  10. Zeros of the derivatives of the Riemann zeta function

    I will introduce behavior of the derivatives of the Riemann zeta function.
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대 Lecturer기하서
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  11. Hybrid discontinuous Galerkin methods in computational science and engineering

    Computation facilitates to understand phenomena and processes from science and engineering; we no longer need to depend only on theory and experiment. Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) is a rapidly developing multidisciplinary area...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대 Lecturer박은재
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  12. Circular maximal functions on the Heisenberg group

    The spherical average has been a source of many problems in harmonic analysis. Since late 90's, the study of the maximal spherical means on the Heisenberg group $mathbb{H}^n$ has been started to show the pointwise ergodic theorems on the gro...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대 수학과 Lecturer김준일
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  13. Symplectic Geometry, Mirror symmetry and Holomorphic Curves

    Symplectic geometry arose from the study of classical mechanics, and later many interesting symplectic invariants has been found since Gromov introduced techniques of J-holomorphic curves. Miraculously, such invariants are closely related wi...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대 수학과 Lecturer홍한솔
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  14. Zeros of linear combinations of zeta functions

    We will introduce the behavior of zeros of linear combinations of zeta functions. Those linear combinations are related to the Riemann zeta function, the Eisenstein series, Periods, etc.
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대학교 Lecturer기하서
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  15. 학부생을 위한 강연: Choi's orthogonal Latin Squares is at least 61 years earlier than Euler's

    조선시대 영의정을 지낸 최석정(1646-1715)은 그의 저서 구수략에 여러 크기의 직교라틴방진을 남겼는데 이는 combinatorial mathematics의 효시로 알려진 Leonhard Euler(1707?1783) 의 직교라틴방진보다도 적어도 61년이 앞서는 기록이다. 놀랍게도 최석정이...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대학교 Lecturer송홍엽
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  16. <학부생을 위한 ε 강연> Variable-driven sociological research with data innovations

    사회에 대한 연구는 모형 중심의 연구와 자료 중심의 연구로 나눠볼 수 있다. 최근 빅데이터를 비롯한 자료 형태의 혁신은 연구의 중심을 모형 중심에서 자료 중심으로 옮기는 듯 하다. 그러나 "변수"를 중심으로 혁신적 자료를 활용한다면 여전히 모형이 과학...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대학교 Lecturer강정한
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  17. On the Schauder theory for elliptic PDEs

    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대학교 Lecturer김세익
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  18. Birational Geometry of varieties with effective anti-canonical divisors

    Fano varieties are fundamental objects in algebraic geometry. These can be considered as the unique output of the -K -minimal model program on the varieties with effective anticanonical divisors. Thus the initial models should encode the in...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대학교 Lecturer최성락
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  19. Generalized multiscale HDG (hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin) methods for flows in highly heterogeneous porous media

    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.육군사관학교 Lecturer문미남
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  20. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 서비스 진보의 관점에서 본 AI technology

    기술적 관점에서 AI Technology를 가볍게 살펴보고, 소개하는 서비스 별로 AI를 접목했을 때 어떤 진보 혹은 혁신이 가능한지, 그로 인해 어떤 사업적 가능성이 있는지를 살펴보겠습니다. AI 는 모두가 생각하는 장미빛 청사진 만을 가진것이 아니라 과거의 많...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.이스트소프트 대표 Lecturer정상원
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