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강연자 오정석
소속 서울대학교
date 2024-03-14


There have been at least two surprising events to geometers in 80-90s that they had to admit physics really helps to solve classical problems in geometry. Donaldson proved the existence of exotic 4-dimensional Euclidean space using gauge theory and Givental counts rational curves in quintic threefolds using Feynman diagram in string theory. These events hugely popularised new mathematical topics such as mirror symmetry and enumerative geometry via moduli spaces. In this talk, we present what happened in this field in a past few decades and something happening right now.


첨부 '1'
  1. 13Oct
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

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  2. 17Oct
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

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  3. 17Oct
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Symplectic geometry and the three-body problem

  4. 17Oct
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    <정년퇴임 기념강연> Hardy, Beurling, and invariant subspaces

  5. 17Oct
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Diophantine equations and moduli spaces with nonlinear symmetry

  6. 06Dec
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    <정년퇴임 기념강연> 리만 가설에 관련된 옌센 다항식의 영점

  7. 18Mar
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Geometric structures and representation spaces

  8. 29Apr
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Geometric Langlands theory: A bridge between number theory and physics

  9. 13May
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    <2020년도 젊은 과학자상 수상 기념강연> Metastability of stochastic systems

  10. 05Jun
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    <정년퇴임 기념강연> 작용소대수와 양자정보이론

  11. 20Mar
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    From mirror symmetry to enumerative geometry

  12. 13Sep
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    On classification of long-term dynamics for some critical PDEs

  13. 20Sep
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Homogeneous dynamics and its application to number theory

  14. 07Nov
    by Editor
    in 수학강연회

    학부생을 위한 강연: 브라질과 프랑스는 왜 축구를 잘 할까? - 경제와 수학과 축구와 법률

  15. 22Sep
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    <청암상 수상 기념 특별강연> 동형암호, 기계학습, 근사정수론

  16. 05Dec
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    <정년퇴임 기념강연> 수학의 시대정신(?)

  17. 09Nov
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Random matrices and operator algebras

  18. 26Nov
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Mathematical Aspects of Machine Learning and Deep Learning AI

  19. 13May
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for irregular holonomic D-modules

  20. 14Apr
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Toward bridging a connection between machine learning and applied mathematics

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