In this talk, we investigate some regularity results for non-uniformly elliptic problems. We first present uniformly elliptic problems and the definition of non-uniform ellipticity. We then introduce a double phase problem which is characte...
Mathematical Models and Intervention Strategies for Emerging Infectious Diseases: MERS, Ebola and 2009 A/H1N1 Influenza
Emerging infectious diseases have long been recognized as a continuous, inevitable, unpredictable threat to the global public health. Hence, understanding the underlying dynamics why they spread and what causes epidemics gives key ideas of i...
The spaces admitting a rational parameterization are called rational. In particular plane conics, including circles, are rational. We will explain a few interesting applications of the rational parameterization of a circle. Also several exam...
Concordance is a relation which classifies knots in 3-space via surfaces in 4-space, and it is closely related with low dimensional topology. Satellite operators are one of the main tools in the study of knot concordance, and it has been wi...
학부생을 위한 ε 강연회: Constructions by ruler and compass together with a conic
Trisection of an angle and duplication of a cube are among the famous problems of Greeks. Although they were proven later to be impossible in general, Greeks already knew that one can trisect an angle and duplicate a cube by supplimenting se...
Given a group of isometries of a metric space, one can draw a random sequence of group elements, and look at its action on the space. What are the asymptotic properties of such a random walk? The answer depends on the geometry of the space...
A dissipative effect on some PDEs with physical singularity
초록: In this lecture, we study various dissipative effect in a phase space from either entropy dissipation or boundary. We see how this effect leads mathematical studies on long time behavior and scale-uniform estimate of kinetic PDEs in g...
Category수학강연회소속University of Wisconsin-Madison강연자김찬우
Hamiltonian dynamics, Floer theory and symplectic topology
In this lecture, I will convey subtle interplay between dynamics of Hamiltonian flows and La-grangian intersection theory via the analytic theory of Floer homology in symplectic geometry. I will explain how Floer homology theory (`closed str...
A classical theorem of Jacobs, de Leeuw and Glicksberg shows that a representation of a group on a reflexive Banach space may be decomposed into a returning subspace and a weakly mixing subspace. This may be realized as arising from the idem...
Category수학강연회소속University of Waterloo강연자Nico Spronk
Brownian motion with darning and conformal mappings
Brownian motion with darning (BMD) is a diffusion process obtained from Brownian motion by shorting each hole in the space into one point. In this talk, I will present a quick introduction to BMD and its basic properties including the zero p...
Category수학강연회소속University of Washington강연자Zhen-Qing Chen
Anomalous diffusions and fractional order differential equations
Anomalous diffusion phenomenon has been observed in many natural systems, from the signalling of biological cells, to the foraging behaviour of animals, to the travel times of contaminants in groundwater. In this talk, I will first discuss t...
Category수학강연회소속University of Washington강연자Zhen-Qing Chen
Unprojection or "constructing bigger Gorenstein ideals from smaller one" is an algebraic device for constructing Gorenstein varieties in codimension 4, 5, ..., beyond the range of standard structure theorems; it has a large number of fairly ...
Category수학강연회소속University of Warwick / 서강대강연자Miles Reid
For the irreducible representations of the Hecke algebras, the minimal elements in each conjugacy class play an important role. In this talk, we try to review the minimal length elements and characterize in a more efficient way to find the m...
Category수학강연회소속University of Picardie Jules-Verne, Amiens강연자김성순
There are three Bieberbach theorems on flat Riemannian manifolds; characterization, rigidity and finiteness. These extend to almost flat manifolds. We discuss characterization, rigidity and finiteness of infra-nilmanifolds (almost flat manif...
Weak and strong well-posedness of critical and supercritical SDEs with singular coefficients
In this talk I will first give a survey of recent recent results SDEs with singular coefficients. Then I will report some recent results, jointly with Longjie Xie, on critical and supercritical SDEs with singular coefficients.
Category수학강연회소속University of Illinois강연자Renming Song
Empirical observations have shown that for an adequate description of many random phenomena non-Gaussian processes are needed. The paths of these Markov processes necessarily have jumps. Their generators are nonlocal operators which admit a ...
Category수학강연회소속University of Bielefeld강연자Walter Hoh
We survey work on a class of nonlinear elliptic PDEs that was initiated by Moser. Methods from PDE, dynamical systems, and geometry set in the framework of the calculus of variations are used to construct a rich collection of solutions.
Category수학강연회소속Univ. of Wisconsin/포항공대강연자Paul Rabinowitz