상산수리과학관 20주년 기념강연
Lecturer | 금종해 |
Dept. | 고등과학원 |
date | Oct 11, 2018 |
상산수리과학관 20주년 기념강연
Category | Subject | Dept. | Lecturer |
Special Colloquia | What is Weak KAM Theory? | ENS-Lyon | Albert Fathi |
Special Colloquia | Regularity of solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equation on a domain | ENS-Lyon | Albert Fathi |
Special Colloquia | Queer Lie Superalgebras | Univ. of Texas, Arlington | Dimitar Grantcharov |
Special Colloquia | Persistent Homology | Stanford University | Gunnar E. Carlsson |
Special Colloquia | Structures on Persistence Barcodes and Generalized Persistence | Stanford University | Gunnar E. Carlsson |
Special Colloquia | Topological Mapping of Point Cloud Data | Stanford University | Gunnar E. Carlsson |
Special Colloquia | Contact topology and the three-body problem | 서울대학교 | Otto van Koert |
Special Colloquia | Mathematical Analysis Models and Siumlations | Collège de France | Pierre-Louis Lions |
Special Colloquia | Harmonic bundles and Toda lattices with opposite sign | RIMS, Kyoto Univ. | Takuro Mochizuki |
Special Colloquia | Regularization by noise in nonlinear evolution equations | Dep. Math., Kyoto Univ. | Yoshio Tsutsumi |
Special Colloquia | Irreducible Plane Curve Singularities | 서울대학교 | 강정혁 |
Special Colloquia | Algebraic surfaces with minimal topological invariants | 고등과학원 | 금종해 |
Special Colloquia | 최고과학기술인상수상 기념강연: On the wild world of 4-manifolds | 서울대학교 | 박종일 |
Special Colloquia | A wrapped Fukaya category of knot complement and hyperbolic knot | 포항공대 | 오용근 |
Special Colloquia | A New Approach to Discrete Logarithm with Auxiliary Inputs | 서울대학교 | 천정희 |
Special Colloquia | Combinatorics and Hodge theory | 미국 프린스턴대 교수, 한국 고등과학원 석학교수 | 허준이 |
Special Colloquia | 허준이 교수 호암상 수상 기념 강연 (Lorentzian Polynomials) | Professor, Stanford University | 허준이 교수 |