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강연자 Kim, Henry
소속 Univ. of Toronto / KIAS
date 2019-04-25

Unconditional results without an unproved hypothesis such as the generalized Riemann hypothesis (GRH) are very weak for an individual number field. But if we consider a family of number fields, one can prove just as strong results as we would assume GRH, in the form: (1) average result in the family; (2) the result is valid for almost all members except for a density zero set. We will explain this philosophy using examples of logarithmic derivatives of L-functions, residues of Dedekind zeta functions, and least primes in a conjugacy class.

첨부 '1'
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  10. Topological aspects in the theory of aperiodic solids and tiling spaces

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  19. Conservation laws and differential geometry

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