Hun Hee Lee (ÀÌ ÈÆ Èñ)

Professor at Department of Mathematical Sciences

Seoul National University


Email hunheelee at
Phone +82-2-880-4076 (Office)
+82-2-887-4694 (Fax)
Address Department of Mathematical Sciences
Seoul National University
San56-1 Shinrim-dong Kwanak-gu
Seoul 151-747, Republic of Korea
Office 27-313
Office Hour By appointment


Curriculum Vitae

(Co-)Organizing Meetings

Topological quantum groups and harmonic analysis, May 15 ~ 19, 2017, Korea

The 13th Korea Operator Algebra Seminar (KOAS) September 21-23, 2017, Hankyeri, Korea

The 1st Quantum Computation/Information/Cryptography (QCIC) School, November 09-12, 2017, Phoenix Park, Pyeongchang, Korea

The 2nd Quantum Computation/Information/Cryptography (QCIC) School, Feburuary 07-09, 2018, û°­¹®È­»ê¾÷´ëÇб³ (CHUNGKANG COLLEGE OF CULTURAL INDUSTRIES), Icheon-si, Korea

Intensive lectures on Gaussian quantum information, Oct 24-27, 2018, SNU (Seoul National University), Korea

Mathematical Aspects in Current Quantum Information Theory 2019 (MAQIT 2019), May 20-24, 2019, SNU (Seoul National University), Korea

The 15th Korea Operator Algebra Seminar (KOAS) October 2, 2018, µ¿±¹´ëÇб³

Á¦ 1 ȸ ¼öÇÐÀÚ¸¦ À§ÇÑ ¾çÀÚ¿ªÇÐ ¿©¸§Çб³, 8¿ù 24ÀÏ-27ÀÏ, 2019³â, À£¸®Èú¸®ÆÄÅ©

The 17th Korea Operator Algebra Seminar (KOAS) November 29-30, 2019, ¼­¿ïÄ¡ÀÇÇб³À°¿ø(¸ðÀÓ°ø°£ SIDA, »ç´ç)

Á¦ 2 ȸ ¼öÇÐÀÚ¸¦ À§ÇÑ ¾çÀÚ¿ªÇÐ °Ü¿ïÇб³, 12¿ù 21ÀÏ-23ÀÏ, 2019³â, À£¸®Èú¸®ÆÄÅ©

The 14th SNU-HU Symposium on Mathematics, Online Meeting

Á¦ 2 ȸ ¼öÇÐÀÚ¸¦ À§ÇÑ Åë°è¿ªÇÐ °Ü¿ïÇб³, 1¿ù 18ÀÏ-20ÀÏ, 2021³â, Online via Zoom

ÀÛ¿ë¼Ò °Ü¿ïÇб³, 12¿ù 14ÀÏ-17ÀÏ, 2021³â, Cafe 7HUNDRED ´ë°ü·É¸é / Online via Zoom

The 20th Korea Operator Algebra Seminar (KOAS) May 19-21, 2022, ÃæºÏ´ëÇб³ ¼öÇаú

ÀÛ¿ë¼Ò °Ü¿ïÇб³ 2022, 12¿ù 19ÀÏ-22ÀÏ, 2022³â, AM È£ÅÚ ´ë°ü·É¸é

ÇÔ¼öÇؼ®ÇÐ °Ü¿ïÇб³ 2023, 12¿ù 18ÀÏ-22ÀÏ, 2023³â, û°­¹®È­»ê¾÷´ëÇб³


B.S. Mathematics (1993~1997) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
M.S. Mathematics (1997~1999) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics (1999~2004) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea

Work Experience

1. Professor at Seoul National University, Seoul (03/2020 ~ present)
2. Assistant/Associate Professor at Seoul National University, Seoul (03/2013 ~ 02/2020)
3. Assistant Professor at Chungbuk National University, Cheongju (03/2009 ~ 02/2013)
4. Postdoctral Fellow at University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada (07/2007 ~ 02/2009)
5. Research Assistant Professor at POSTECH, Pohang (02/2007 ~ 07/2007)
6. Visiting Scholar at TAMU, College Station, USA (10/2006 ~ 12/2006)
7. Visiting Postdoc (supported by KOSEF) at UIUC, Urbana-Champaign, USA (11/2005 ~ 10/2006)
8. BK21 Postdoc at Seoul National University, Seoul (03/2004 ~ 11/2005)



Abstract harmonic analysis, Non-commutative probability, Non-commutative Lp spaces, Operator spaces, Quantum Information theory and Topological quantum groups.

Publications by topics

Geometry of Banach spaces and Operator spaces

1. (with C. Choi) Operators of Fourier type p with respect to some subgroups of a locally compact abelian group. Arch. Math.(Basel) 81 (2003), No.4, 457-466.

2. Vector valued Fourier analysis on unimodular groups. Math. Nachr. 279 (2006), No. 8, 854-874.

3. (with A. Hinrichs) Duality of Fourier type with respect to locally compact abelian groups. Israel. J. 157 (2007).

4. Extremal cases of exactness constant and completely bounded projection constant, Illinois J. Math. 51 (2007), Issue 4, 1341-1347.

5. Unconditionality with respect to complete orthonormal systems in noncommutative L2 spaces, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 56 No. 6 (2007), 2763-2786.

6. Type and cotype of operator spaces. Studia Math. 185 (2008) No. 3, 219-247.

7. (with M. Junge) A Maurey type result for operator spaces, J. Funct. Anal. 254 (2008) 1373-1409.

8. Weak type (2,H) and weak cotype (2,H) of operator spaces. Houston J. Math. 35 No.4 (2009) 1171-1201.

9. Tsirelson like operator spaces. Math. Nachr. 286, No. 14-15 (2013) 1491-1509.

10. (with Ebrahim Samei and Matthew Wiersma) New tensor products of C*-algebras and characterization of type I C*-algebras as rigidly symmetric C*-algebras. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 377, Number 6 (2024), 4223?4253.

Non-commutative probability

1. (with M. Junge) q-Chaos. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011), 5223-5249.

2. (with E. Ricard) Hypercontractivity on the q-Araki-Woods algebras. Comm. Math. Phys, 305(2) (2011), 533-553.

3. (with N. Obata) Distance-k graphs of hypercube and q-Hermite polynomials. Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., Vol. 16, No. 2 (2013) 1350011 (12 pages).

4. (with Y. Hibino and N. Obata) Asymptotic Spectral Distributions of Distance k-Graphs of Cartesian Product Graphs, Colloq. Math. 132 (2013), 35-51.

Abstract harmonic analysis on groups

1. (with B. E. Forrest and E. Samei) Projectivity of modules over Fourier algebras. Proc. London Math. Soc. (2011) 102(4): 697-730.

2. (with E. Samei) Beurling-Fourier Algebras, operator amenability and Arens Regularity. J. Funct. Anal. 262 (2012), 167-209.

3. (with B. E. Forrest and E. Samei) Projectivity of modules over Segal algebras. Houston J. Math. Volume 39, No. 2 (2013) 531-560.

4. (with B. Collins and P. Sniady) Dimensions of components of tensor products of the linear groups representations, Studia Math. 220 (2014), 221-241.

5. (with E. Samei and N. Spronk) Some weighted group algebras are operator algebras. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., Volume 58 / Issue 02 / June 2015, pp 499-519.

6. (with M. Ghandehari, E. Samei and N. Spronk) Some Beurling-Fourier algebras are operator algebras. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367, Number 10 (2015), 7029-7059.

7. (with J. Ludwig, E. Samei and N. Spronk) Weak amenability of Fourier algebras and local synthesis of the anti-diagonal, Adv. Math. 292 (2016), 11-41.

8. (with E. Samei and N. Spronk) Similarity degree of Fourier algebras, J. Funct. Anal. 271 (2016), 593-609.

9. (with S.-G. Youn) New deformations of Convolution algebras and Fourier algebras on locally compact groups, Canad. J. Math. 69 (2017), 434-452.

10. (with E. Samei and N. Spronk) p-Fourier algebras on compact groups, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, Volume 34, Issue 4 (2018) 1469-1514.

11. (with E. Samei and N. Spronk) Corrigendum: Similarity degree of Fourier algebras, J. Funct. Anal. Volume 277, Issue 3 (2019) 958-964.

12. (with M. Ghandehari, J. Ludwig, N. Spronk and L. Turowska) Beurling-Fourier algebras on Lie groups and their spectra, to appear in Adv. Math. arXiv:1808.05914.

13. (with X. Xiong) Twisted Fourier(-Stieltjes) spaces and amenability, preprint arXiv:1910.05888.

14. (with Heon Lee) Analytic subalgebras of Beurling-Fourier algebras and complexification of Lie groups, preprint arXiv:2401.03763.

Abstract harmonic analysis on quantum groups

1. (with M. Caspers and E. Ricard) Operator biflatness of the L^1-algebras of compact quantum groups, J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle's Journal) Volume 2015, Issue 700, Pages 235-244.

2. (with U. Franz and A. Skalski) Integration over the quantum diagonal subgroup and associated Fourier-like algebras, Int. J. Math. Vol. 27, No. 09, 1650073 (2016).

3. (with U. Franz) Beurling-Fourier algebras of compact quantum groups: characters and finite dimensional representations, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 70 No. 2 (2021), 605--637.

Quantum information theory

1. (with M. Brannan, B. Collins and S.-G. Youn) Temperley-Lieb quantum channels, Comm. Math. Phys., volume 376, pages 795--839 (2020).

2. (with C. Beny and S. J. Park) Twisted Fourier analysis and pseudo-probability distributions, preprint, arXiv:2004.13860.

3. (with S.-G. Youn) Quantum channels with quantum group symmetry, Comm. Math. Phys., volume 389, pages 1303?-1329 (2022).

4. (with E. Chang, J. Kim, H. Kwak, and S.-G. Youn) Irreducibly SU(2)-covariant quantum channels of low rank. Reviews in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 34, No. 07, 2250021 (2022)


TJ Park Junior Faculty Fellowship, POSCO TJ Park Foundation, 2012.

2012 Basic research outstanding achivements (50 selected) supported by ministry of education, science and technology, Korea.

2016 Brain Pool program (KOFST) outstanding achivements, KOFST, 2017.

2018 Research awards, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University.

Former PhD students

Sang-Gyun Youn (Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics Education, SNU)

Former Postdoc

Xiao Xiong (Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China)


Editor, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society (2015 ~ 2023)

Funded Projects

  • Non-commutative Lp-theory in abstract harmonic analysis
  • 1/5/2009 - 30/4/2012 NRF (Çѱ¹¿¬±¸Àç´Ü)
  • Non-commutative extensions of harmonic analysis
  • 1/5/2012 - 30/4/2015 NRF (Çѱ¹¿¬±¸Àç´Ü)
  • Analysis on locally compact groups via Fourier algebras and its quantum extension
  • 1/5/2015 - 30/4/2018 NRF (Çѱ¹¿¬±¸Àç´Ü)
  • Functional analytic approach to quantum channel capacities
  • 1/9/2017 - 31/8/2022 NRF (Çѱ¹¿¬±¸Àç´Ü)


    Spring, 2013

    ¼öÇÐ ¹× ¿¬½À 1 (019°­ÁÂ) Calculus 1
    ½Çº¯¼öÇÔ¼ö·Ð (ÇкÎ) Real Analysis (Undergraduate)

    Fall, 2013

    º¹¼ÒÇؼ®ÇÐ (´ëÇпø) Complex Analysis (Graduate)

    Spring, 2014

    ¼öÇÐ ¹× ¿¬½À 1 (009°­ÁÂ) Calculus 1
    ÀÛ¿ë¼Ò´ë¼ö (´ëÇпø) Operator Algebra (Graduate)

    Fall, 2014

    ÇÔ¼öÇؼ®ÇÐ 2 (´ëÇпø) Functional Analysis 2 (Graduate)

    Spring, 2015

    ¼öÇÐ ¹× ¿¬½À 1 (028°­ÁÂ, Lecture in English) Calculus 1
    ½ÇÇؼ®ÇÐ (´ëÇпø) Real Analysis (Graduate)

    Fall, 2015

    ¼öÇÐ ¹× ¿¬½À 2 (022°­ÁÂ) Calculus 2
    º¹¼ÒÇؼ®ÇÐ (´ëÇпø) Complex Analysis (Graduate)

    Spring, 2017

    ¼öÇÐ ¹× ¿¬½À 1 (001°­ÁÂ) Calculus 1
    ¸®±º·Ð Lie Groups

    Fall, 2017

    Çؼ®ÇÐƯ°­ (¾çÀÚÁ¤º¸¿Í ÇÔ¼öÇؼ®) Topics in Analysis (Quantum Information and Functional Analysis)

    Spring, 2018

    ¹ÌºÐ¹æÁ¤½Ä Differential Equations
    ½Çº¯¼öÇÔ¼ö·Ð (ÇкÎ) Real Analysis (Undergraduate)

    Fall, 2018

    ¼öÇÐ ¹× ¿¬½À 2 Calculus 2
    ÇÔ¼öÇؼ®ÇÐ 2 (´ëÇпø) Functional Analysis 2 (Graduate)

    Spring, 2019

    ½Çº¯¼öÇÔ¼ö·Ð (´ëÇпø) Real Analysis (Graduate)
    ¸®±º·Ð Lie Groups