Oct 12, 2022  11:00-12:00  Derivation of the Vlasov equation from quantum many-body Fermionic systems with singular interaction file Jacky Chong  선택 
Oct 12, 2022  16:00-18:00  Haagerup inequalities on non-Kac free orthogonal quantum groups 윤상균  129-406 
Oct 11, 2022  17:00-18:00  On limits of sequences of operators 유재현  27-116 
Oct 05, 2022  16:00-18:00  A universal framework for entanglement detection of invariant quantum states 박상준  선택 
Oct 04, 2022  16:00-17:00  On an extreme value law for the unipotent flow on $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})/\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$. Keivan Mallahi Karai  선택 
Oct 04, 2022  16:00-18:00  On the maximal Bochner-Riesz conjecture for p>2 유재현  27-116 
Oct 04, 2022  16:00-16:30  Universality Classes in Probability Theory 변성수  129-101 
Oct 04, 2022  16:40-17:10  Mathematical study of metastability 이중경  129-101 
Sep 30, 2022  10:00-18:00  Introduction to Floer Homotopy: Bordism and Flow Categories 김경모  129-309 
Sep 28, 2022  15:30-18:00  On the long-time behavior of scale-invariant solutions to the 2d Euler equation Ayman R. Said  129-301 
Sep 28, 2022  16:00-19:00  Index-positive contact manifolds and Legendrians 권명기  129-406 
Sep 28, 2022  16:00-18:00  A universal framework for entanglement detection of invariant quantum states 박상준  선택 
Sep 27, 2022  15:00-16:00  Categories of Whittaker Modules over Lie superalgebras and Categorification of Fock Spaces Shun-Jen Cheng  선택 
Sep 23, 2022  10:00-10:50  The Watanabe-Strogatz transform and constant of motion functionals for kinetic vector models 박한솔  27-325 
Sep 23, 2022  09:00-11:00  One Server for the Price of Two: Simple and Fast Single-Server Private Information Retrieval Vinod Vaikuntanathan  129-301 
Sep 23, 2022  13:00-15:00  Entropy rigidity and its applications to Diophantine approximation 김태형  129-309 
Sep 21, 2022  18:00-19:00  An overview on noncommutative maximal inequalities Guixiang Hong  선택 
Sep 20, 2022  15:00-16:00  Relation numbers and generalized Farey graphs 김경로  129-309 
Sep 20, 2022  16:40-17:10  An invitation to quantum groups 이신명  129-101 
Sep 20, 2022  16:00-16:30  Introduction to representation theory 허태혁  129-101